Archived from this web site










# Some of the names of the Zero Point Energy: 

Radiant Energy ; "zero-point" Radiation ;

Cold Electricity ; the Sea of Energy with live in ; 

Dirac Sea ; Anenergy ; Eloptic Energy ; 

Vacuum Fluctuations ; Higher Dimension ; 

Zero-Point Vibration ; Evanescent Waves ; Electromagnetic Medium ; Residual Energy ; Quantum Oscillations ; Vacuum Electromagnetic Field ; Virtual Particle Flux ; Dark Energy ; Cosmic Energy ; Aether ; Ether ; Negative Electricity ; Bioenergy ; Orgone ; Space Energy Field ; Hyperspatial Energy, Life Energy ; God-Force ; Creative Vibration ; zipee 

# Also related to ZPE : 

Hyperspace ; Quantum Vacuum Physics ; Negative Entropy, Negentropy ; Quantum Mechanic ; Virtual State ; Sonoluminescence and QED ; Cavitation ; Cold Fusion ; Casimir effect ; Diamagnetism ; Gravity ; Inertia ; Lamb shift ; Van der Waals forces ; De Broglie waves ; Electrets ; Remote Viewing ; Time-Reversed Waves ; Bioenergetic Cosmos ; Cosmic Rays ; Pi Meson ; Psychokinetic ; Antigravity ; Superluminal Particles ; Minkowskian Reality ; Scalar Aura ; Mind Energy ; 

# Remark from MDG: 

1- If we read Stanley MEYER patents Link, we can understand that through sending specific frequency of pulse trains to an electrolyzer cell, we can 'pump' some ZPE under 'cold electricity' form, and produce enormous amounts of HHO (watergas) with little power used.. See also Meyer's clearest explanation in the 'Meyer Memos', especially Memo5 Link and Memo 10 Link 

2- If we read the story of Bob BOYCE Link, we can understand that his damaged alternator (one diode failed), at a certain speed (rotation frequency), was sending a specific frequency of pulses to his electrolyzer cell that was then 'pumping' ZPE under the form of 'cold electricity' and producing much more 'water gas', like Stan MEYER ... but using a modified alternator in place of a Power Generator. 

3- If we read John BEDINI Link, we can understand that he is sending specific frequency of specific pulses like S. MEYER and B. BOYCE, but to DC battery or Capacitor in place of an electrolyzer cell (both are quit similar in design actually...), that reacts also by 'pumping' lots of ZPE under the form of 'cold electricity'. 

4- Jean Louis Naudin get the effect also with coils and back EMF Link.

Using this facts, and an adapted switching system to alternate charging / discharging cycles of the battery, many inventors have build successful 'everlasting free electricity generators'; See: 

# Nikola TESLA's Switch - Ronald BRANDT - Ron COLE - Kromrey, 1930 : Link
# Antonio d’Angelo's Motor Generator, 1935 : Link
# John Gulley's Motor, 1946-66 : Link
# Fred Baldinelli's Dual Relay Charger, 1974 : Link
# William Stoneburg's Self-Charging Power Supply , 1978 : Link

# Larry Jamison's Energizer, 1982: Link
# Bedini's Energizer , 1986 : Link
# Tilley's Charger , 1999 : Link
# Jasker's Power System , 2002: Link

# YILDIZ 's Electrical Generator , 2004 : Link
Like says John BEDINI since 20 years, it's on his website: 


Even more simple, 2 batteries and 1 electronic circuit! Yes, and it's solid state, no moving parts ; and all details are already available ; just need to adapt it to a 'ready to market' product. 

C4 Bedini's Solid State Charger : 

USP 2003/0117111 A1, Jun. 26, 2003 'Device and Method for Pulse Charging a Battery and for Driving Other Devices 

with a Pulse' ; all details and parts are in the latest book 


The question is: Who will be the first to put online a 'finish' version, ready to use by anybody, that everybody will be able to reproduce, everywhere on the planet ? 

I think it will be somebody with a very good heart, willing to free mankind from under-development, misery and suffering, willing to improve the life of billion of persons, using the internet network to spray his drawings/blue prints at the four corners of the world, at the speed of electricity ... a modern hero, acting just for posterity, or for God ... May it happend soon ! 

# A list of entries, already 300, concerning Zero-Point Energy, that I hope to develop in a future updated version: (click onlink to open its corresponding page. Are not yet included all the 'pulsed motors', 'magnetic motors' and 'elctromagnetic motors') 

- Allahverdyan, A.E. / "Extraction of work from a single thermal bath in the quantum regime" Physical Review Letters, vol. 85, No. 9, August, 2000 

Albers, Norman 
Alek, William 
Aspden, Harold / Dr.B.Sc.,Ph.D., C.Eng., F.I.E.E., F.I.Mech.E., C.Phys., M. Inst.P., C.Sci., Wh.Sc. / GB 2390941 'Electrical Power Generating Apparatus' / book 'The Theory of Gravitation' 1960 / / 
- Astumian R. D. / "Thermodynamics and Kinetics of a Brownian Motor" Science 
Autymn, D 
Avila Rivera, Carlos 

Baldinelli, Fred , 1974 
- Barkhausen, Heinrich Georg / 

German physicist who discovered the Barkhausen effect, a principle concerning changes in the magnetic properties of metal. 
- Baumann, Paul / Testatika Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Link

- Baym / Lectures on Quantum Mechanics. Benjamin/Cummings, Reading, 1978 
- Bearden, Thomas E. / MEG / Dr. / paper 1993, "The Final Secret of Free Energy", 1994 "Additional Information on the Final Secret of Free Energy", Link

............... Link
............... Link

............... Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Link
............... Link
............... Link

............... Link

MEG ............... Link

MEG ............... Link

MEG ............... Link
MEG ............... Link
MEG ............... Link

- Bedini, John / USP 0117111 A1 2003 / USP 6,677,730 B2 2004 / 


............... Link

............... Link


............... Link

............... Link
Press............... Link

Press............... Link

- Bekkum, Gary / Starstream Research / Link

- Benitez, 
- Bergmann, Peter Gabriel / 
- Bernoulli, John / 
- Blau S. / "The Unusual Thermodynamics of Microscopic Systems" Physics Today 2002 
- Bohm, D. / "Model of the Causal Interpretation of Quantum Theory 

in Terms of a Fluid with Irregular Fluctuations" Phys. Rev. Vol. 96, No. 1, 1954 
- Boltzmann 
- Bourassa Jim D. / 

Aether Physics Model (APM) / 

QAD - Quantum Aether Dynamics Institute / Secrets of the Aether:


............... QAD Link

- Boyer, Timothy. "The Classical Vacuum." Scientific American, August, 1985 
- Bracamontes / "Stochastic ratchets with colored thermal noise" Physical Review E 1997 
- Britten, Chancy J. / Atmospheric Electrical Generator / Link
- Brown, Charles / #3,890,161 
- Brown, Henry 
- Browne, Malcolm / "Physicists confirm power of nothing, 

measuring force of quantum 'foam.'" The New York Times. January 21, 1997 
- Bulsara, A.R. / "Tuning in to Noise" Physics Today 1996 
- Byron New Energy, BNE / Link
............... Internal structure of Atom Link
............... Make a Radiant Energy Machine Link

............... Ambient Energy Collection Device Link

............... A few experiments to try Link

............... JOE CELL Link

............... Link

- Cadeceus Coil Link
............... Link

............... Link
............... Link
- Callanan, Ossie / Link
- Callen, H. B. / "Irreversibility and Generalized Noise." Phys. Rev. 83, 1951 
- Calphysic Institute / Link

- Captain PJK 
- Capasso, Federico / US #4,704,622 
- Carmen, Albert P. 
- Casimir, H. B. G. / "On the attraction between two perfectly conducting plates.

" Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 51, 1948 / Link
............... Link
- Celeste, S. R. L. / WO 98/40960 Electromagnetic Device to be used as a Generator 
- Chernetsky, Alexander / Plasma Generator / Link

............... Link
- Chukanov / Link
............... Link
- Clark, William / USP 3,963,976 - 1976 - Pulsed current battery charging method and apparatus 
- Cole, Ron D. C. / Cole Motor / Link

............... Link

- Coler, Hans / Magnetstromapparat and Stromzeuger / Link

- Colman, Harold / UKP 763,062 - 1956 - 

A New Apparatus for Producing an Electric Current 

- Cook, Daniel / Cook Coils /

USP 118,825 'An Improvement in Induction Coils' 1871 / Link
- Cook, Nick / founding member of New Energy Congress / Link 

- Coppersmith, Josia 
- Correa Paulo and Alexandra / 

USP 7,053,576 Aether/Orgone Motor & Converter (July 2006) Link

............... Link
............... USP 5,449,989 Link

- Cours, Jean Michel / 'Method and apparatus of battery pulse charging allowing fluctuation of a DC current source' 2004 / Link
............... Link

- Crooks, G.E. / "Entropy production fluctuation theorem and the nonequilibrium 

work relation for free energy differences" Physical Review E 1999 
- Crooks, Sir William / Crookes tubes Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Link
- Crump, L.R. 
- d’Angelo, Antonio / 1935 USP 2,021,177 

Motor Generator and Other Transformer / Link
- Danley, Konn 
- Davidson, Dan A. / Sonic Stimulation of the Aether, 1996


- Davis, E. W. / Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Field 
- Debye 
- Decker, Jerry W. / Vangard Sciences - KeelyNet 
- Dirac, Paul A. M. / the Dirac Sea of Energy /

"The Quantum Theory of the Emission and Absorption of Radiation.

" Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 114, 1927 
- Dobyns, York 
- Dyatlov, Vyacheslav Lukich / Dr. / "PROBLEMS OF THE INHOMOGENEOUS PHYSICAL VACUUM" - 1998 

- Eberlein, Claudia / "Sonoluminescence as Quantum Vacuum Radiation." 

Phys. Rev. Lett. V. 76, No. 20, 1996 
- Einstein, A. / "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung." Phys. Zs. 18, 1917 
- Electret / The Electret Effect / Link
............... Link

............... Link
............... Link
- Energia Celeste 

- Engel, A. / "Ferrofluids as Thermal Ratchets" Physical Review Letters 2003 
- Epps, Fred B. / A "Large Coil" parametric circuit, 23 August 97

............... Link 

............... 04/27/97 Link
............... 7 July 97 Link

............... 18 August 97 Link

- Faraday, Michael / Homopolar Motor Link
............... Link

............... Link
- Farrow / Link
- Feigel, Alexander / Feigel, 

A. Quantum vacuum contribution to the momentum of dielectric media. 

Physical Review Letters, 92 Link
- Feynman, Richard / Nobel prize winner in physics / Link

- Fluxite / Link

- Ford, L.H. / "Focusing Vacuum Fluctuations" 2002 
- Forward, Robert / Dr. 

"Extracting electrical energy from the vacuum by cohesion of charged foliated conductors.

" 1984 / "An Introductory Tutuorial on the Quantum Mechanical Zero Temperature 

Electromagnetic Fluctuations of the Vacuum." 1996 
- Franks, John P. / ElectroDynaCat /

A Zero Point Energy Conversion Device Prototype: PhyZPEConvDev.doc 
- Frolov, Alexander 
- Froning, H.D. / 

"Preliminary simulations of vehicle interactions with the quantum vacuum 

by fluid dynamic approximations" 2002 
- Fulcher, L. / "The Decay of the Vacuum." Scientific American, Dec. 1979 
- Future Horizons Inc. / Free_Energy_Plans.pdf Link

- Garrett, Jay / Dr. / The Dangers of ZPE Link 

- German, James W. / USP 5191258 Link

............... Link

............... Link
............... Link
- Goldes, Mark 
- Gordon / Lectures on Quantum Mechanics. Benjamin/Cummings, Reading, 1978 
- Goychuk, I. / "Nonadiabatic quantum Brownian rectifiers" Physical Review Letters 1998 
- Grandics, Peter / Ph. D. / The Genesis of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Forces 
- Gray, Edwin V. / 1984 / Electro-Magnetic Association (EMA) Motor / USP 4,595,975 / Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Link
............... Link
............... Link

- Greer, Steven / Dr. /

"Disclosure: Implications for the Environment, World Peace, 

World Poverty and the Human Future." Disclosure Project Briefing Document, 

The Disclosure Project, April, 2001 
- Griffin, Tony / British Admiral / friend of Stanley Meyer 1991 
- Grigg / Hydrosonic Pump U.S. #5,188,090 
- Gulley, John W. / 1966 / USP 211,702,317, Electric Motor 

/ Self-Sustaining Electric Engine named 'Challenger' Link

- Gunderson, Graham / July 2006 USP 2006/0163971 A1, 

Solid State Electric Generator 

- Haisch, Bernard / "Electromagnetic Zero Point Field as Active Energy Source

in the Intergalactic Medium. 1999 / Link
- Hamel, David / "THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT" / Link

- Han Li-jun 
- Haroche, S. / "Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics." Scientific American. April, 1993 
- Harrison, Rick / Vortex DC Motor / Generator / LInk

............... Link

- Hartmann, L. / "Driven tunneling dynamics: Bloch-Redfield theory versus path-integral approach" Physical Review E, Vol. 61, No. 5, May, 2000 
- Hartmann, Stephan /Link

- Hathaway,George / 1988 "The Hutchison Effect – A Lift and Disruptive System". 
- Hawton, Margaret / Physicist "One-photon operators 

and the role of vacuum fluctuations in the Casimir force." Phys. Rev. A. 50, 2, 1994 
- Heisenberg, Werner / 1931 Annalen der Physik, 1934 Zeitschr. f. Phys., 

1951 Z. Naturforsch 
- Hendershot, Lester J. / "Fuelless Motor" / Link

- Hiddink, Joseph / Link

............... Link

............... Link
- Hieronymous, Thomas Galen / Eloptic Energy / US P 2,482,773 / Link

............... Link
............... Link

- Hodowanec, Gregory / Cosmology Note 12-10-05 Link

- Hoiland, Paul Karl / Dr. / The revised Modification to M-Theory Model: 

M-Theory Model_rev.pdf 
- Hooper, William J. / 1960 The Motional Electric Field / USP 3,610,971 / USP 3,656,013 / Link

- Hopf, Heinz / Work with Einstein 1910 
- Hopkins, Budd 
- Hotson, D. L. / Dirac’s Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy

in Infinite Energy issue 43, 2002 
- Hubbard, Aflred M. / Coil Generator 1919 /

US P # 1,723,422 'Internal Combustion Engine Spark Plug' 1929 


- Hutchinson, John Kenneth / Link 
............... The Hutchison Effect Link

............... Hutchison Effect Link

............... Mineral ZPE Battery Link

- Iacopini, E. "Casimir effect at macroscopic distances." Phys. Rev. A. 48, 1, 1993 
- Ibarra / "Stochastic ratchets with colored thermal noise" Physical Review E 1997 
- Ibid / Secrets of the Aether 
- Ibison, Michael / 1996 

Quantum and classical statistics of the electromagnetic zero-point field, 

Physical Review A vol 54 num 4 
- Ighina, Pier Luigi / ERIM / Earthquake Neutralizer /

Passive Resonance Healing Bed / worked with Guglielmo Marconi 


- Imris, Pavel / 1974 CanP 951836 Optical Electrostatic Generator , 

900% Efficiency Link
- Isaev, P. S. Quantum Electrodynamics at High Energies. 

American Institute of Physics 1989 
- Ivanov, Yuri 

xxxxxxx J 

- Jackson, Daniel Ray / 2005 Stationary Field Generators /

2058 Turkey Creek Road, Barbourville Kentucky USA, 40906 
- Jamison, Larry / 1982 EPA 0 067 755 

Energy Source Employing Electrical Energizer Link

............... Link

- Jasker power System / 2002 Link

- Jaynes, Reginald L. / LInk
- Jiang Xing-liu 
- Johnson, Howard / Motor 
- Jones, Rufus / 1920 "dynamo and the other electrical mechanisms 

... do not make or create electricity. They merely let it come through" Link

- Kantz, Eckhard 
- Keely, John W. / Link 

............... A Brief History Link

............... Keely Machines Link

............... Etheric Force from Water - 12/20/97 Link
............... Davidson on Keely - 07/20/01 Link 
............... Link
............... Link
- Kinderevich, Anatoly / USP 2004/0238366 A1 
- King, Moray B. / Tapping Zero-Point Energy Link

............... ISBN : 1931882002 Link

- Kish, Laszlo B. / Stealth Communication: Zero-Power Classical Communication, 
- Klein, A. / "The Decay of the Vacuum." Scientific American, Dec. 1979 
- Kolber, Jonathan 
- Koltick 
- Kosinov, N. V. / Power Phenomenon of Vacuum 
- Kozyrev / Kozyrev-Dirac radiation 
- Kromrey, R. / Converter / Link

- Kron, Gabriel / The Negistor & Negative Resistance / Link
............... Link
............... Link

............... Link
- Kulig, Mirko 
- Kunel, Heinrich / 1982 Patent DE 3024814 "Procedures and Devices for Energy Production" 

- Lafonte, Butch / Magnetic Equilibrium Motor/Generator Link

............... Link

- Lamb, Willis / Dr. 1940 
- Lamberston, Wingate / Ph. D. /

1972 E-dam / WIN Cells Link
............... Link
- Lamoreaux, S. K. / Dr. from Los Alamos Labs / 

"Demonstration of the Casimir force in the 0.6 to 6 µm range

." Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 5, 1997 
- Leedskalnin, Edward / 1945 Magnetic Current Link
- Lindemann, Peter A. / D.Sc. / Link

............... Link

............... Link

............... Link

............... Link

- Linke, H. / "Experimental Tunneling Ratchets" Science, Vol. 286, Issue 5448, 1999 
- Northen Light Energy / LNE / Link

............... The Radiant Energy Battery Charger Link
............... The Free Energy Capacitor Link
- Lorentz, H. A. / Electromagnetic Aether 

/ Surface Integration Trick Link

- Loudon, R. / 2000 The Quantum Theory of Light, 

Third Edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-850176-5. 

- Mac Clain, Joel / Resonant Geometry and the Zero Point, 

The Rule of Nines Link

- Mac Cutcheon, Mark 
- Maclay, J. "Unusual properties of conductive rectangular cavities 

in the zero point electromagnetic field: resolving Forward's Casimir

energy extraction cycle paradox" 1999 
- Mallove, Carl 
- Manning, Jeanne / "Rainbow in the Lab: 

The Hutchison Story," Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue #4, April 1992 Link
- Marconi, Guglielmo 
- Margenau, Henry 
- Markovich, Peter T. / Dr. / "Apparatus to Rectify Ether Energy"

(ATREE) 1977 Link 
............... Link
- Marks, Steve / Toroid Generator Link
- Mason, David / CTG labs Link

............... Time Energy Pump Link

- Maxwell, James Clerk / Link
- Mead, Frank / Dr. Director of the Air Force Research Laboratory /

USp5,590,031 "System for Converting Electromagnetic Radiation

Energy to Electrical Energy" 1996 Link

- Meucci, Antonio / The Physiophony Link
- Meyer, Michel / 1993 FR 9110472 and FR 2680613 

Activator for isotopic mutation Link

- Meyer, Stanley 
- Meyers, Roy Jerome / GB #1098 'Improvements in and Relating

to Apparatus for Producing Electricity' 1913 Link
- Michaels, Robert / Dearas~1.doc / Copyright c Easter 2002AD by GR264828 
- Michelson, Albert A. / 1881 Link
- Michrowski, Andrew 
- Milewski, John V. / P. E. / Father of the "Rice Hull Process" Link

- Miller, Dayton 
- Millin, Solihin / (BNE) / Link

- Milonni, Peter W. / 1994 The Quantum Vacuum: an Introduction to 

Quantum Electrodynamics, New York: Academic. ISBN 0124980805 
- Minkowski / the Minkowski state 
- Minto, Wallace / 1967 Hydronic Radiation Transmitter Link
- Minuteman Missile / Over-Unity Device Installed In / Link
- Mollere, Jules / 2002 Connectivity and the Origin of Inertia 
- Mollinet, Gene / 1984 Chrystal Power Unit LEM3 Link

- Moore, K. / 2006 Electromagnetic Energy from the Vacuum: 

System Efficiency and Coefficient of Performance (COP) of

Symmetric and Asymmetric Maxwellian Systems 
............... Tapping Zero-Point Energy ISBN : 1931882002 Link

- Moray, Thomas Henry / Dr. / 1929 

The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats Link
............... Link

............... Link

"Endless Light" Link
............... Link
............... Link

............... Link

............... Moray's Oscillator Tube Link
............... Link

............... Link

............... Link
............... Beyond The LIGHT-RAYS Link
............... Link

- Muller, Hartmut / Dr. rer. nat. / 2000,

Director of the Institute for Space-Energy-Research /

G-com Scalar Waves Communication System, World First 
- Muller - Neogen Dynamo / Link

- Mundt. Jurgen / 1994 Reactor / Löhrstrasse 27, 57555 Mudersbach 

- Naudin, Jean Louis / JLN Lab's Home page Link

and Home page Link
............... Tesla Exploration page Link
............... Scalar Waves page Link
............... Scalar EM page Link

............... Parametric Power Conversion page Link

............... Quantum Electrodynamics page Link
............... POD project home page Link
............... B-Field Torsion page Link

- Nelson, Lawrence / Nelson Scientific Link

............... Link

- Nernst, W / 1916 Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges., 18: 83. 
- Newman, Joseph / Motor Link

............... Link

............... Link
- Nickisch, L. J. / 2002 Connectivity and the Origin of Inertia 
- Nieuwenhuizen, T.M. / "Extraction of work from a single thermal bath in the quantum regime" Physical Review Letters, vol. 85, No. 9, August, 2000 
- Nova Institute of Technology / Link

- Obousy, Richard K. / "Concepts in Advanced Field Propulsion

" University of Leicester, Birmingham, Department of Physics, 1999 
- Ognyanov, Michael / 1973 USP 3,766,094 

Semiconductors Compositions, a 'Self-powered Power Pack' 
- Ommang, Jorn / "The Low Temperature Accelerator" Link

- Orentice, Franck / P 253,765 Improvements in Electrical Power Accumulators 
- Orlando, Serafino / 1924 UKP 231,247 

Utilizing Electro-magnetic Radiation and Atmospheric Electricity 

- Pauli, Wolfgang / Selected Topics in Field Quantization. Dover Pub., NY, 1973 
- Pauling, L. / Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1935 
- Perez Torres, Hector D. / ARK Research / Devices: Rotoverter, Transverter, Easer 
- Perreault, Bruce A. / Exotic Research / 

NU Energy Horizons Web Research Link
............... Link

............... Link
............... Link

............... Perreault Capacitor Link

............... Perreault Effect Link
............... Perreault Rotary Ions Discharger Link
- Perrigo, Harry E. / 1925 USP 78,719 Scalar Waves Capture Apparatus 
- Petersen, I. / "Peeking inside an electron's screen." Science News. 1997 
- Pinto, Fabrizio / Dr. "Engine cycle of an optically controlled vacuum energy transducer" 1999 
- Planck, Max / Planck's Constant / "Uber die Begrundung des Gesetzes der scwarzen Strahlung.

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- Plauson, Hermann / 1925 USP 1,540,998 Conversion of Atmospheric Electricity Link
- Pohl, Herbert A / Nonuniform Electric Fields Link
- Porringa, Mark / Zeropoint Techtonix Inc. / 

2003 Low Energy Induced Nuclear Fusion Via Coherence Of The Quantum Vacuum, 

Zero-Point Energy Through Ultra Close Range Casimir Effects 
- Potts, Harold Edwin / 1927 UKP 299,735 

Process and Apparatus for Producing Rapidly Moving Electrons

and for Subjecting Matter thereto 
- Potters, Paul E. 
- Protsenko, Igor Evgenievich FLA 
- Puthoff, Harold E. / Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies / 

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" Phys. Rev. D 35, 1987 
............... Link

............... Link
............... Engineering the Zero Point Field Link

- Rado, Steven / Physics Major / 1995 Aethro-Kinematics Link 

- Rafelski, J. / "The Decay of the Vacuum." Scientific American, Dec. 1979 
- Rasmussen, Ken 
- Rayleigh, Lord / 1908 The Ether of Space Link

- Redfield, James 
- Reid, Marcus / 2005 Everlasting Christal Batteries Link

............... Link

............... Link
- Reymond, R. D. / 1960 USP 2,926,268

Self-Powered Electron Discharge Tube Devices 
- Reynolds, Osborne / 1900 Submechanics of the Universe: 

a structured context for: matter, energy, space, time and PSI phenomena Link

- Ridgely, Charles T. / On the Relativistic Origin of Inertia and Zero-Point Forces, 


-Gravitation and Forces Induced by Zero-Point Phenomena, Physics/0103078 
- Roach, R.L. / "Preliminary simulations of vehicle interactions with the quantum vacuum 

by fluid dynamic approximations" 2002 
- Rodin / Coil Link
- Ross, Jim / Link
............... Link 

- Rota, Louis / 1951 Earth Currents Link

- Rueda, Alfonso / Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothetis 2005 
............... "Electromagnetic Zero Point Field as Active Energy Source in the Intergalactic Medium" 1999 
- Russell, Walter / The Secret of Light Link

- Sakharov / Dr. 
- Samoilov, Valentin / Director of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research / 2006 ZPE battery LInk

- Sarfatti, Jack / 2007 Progress in Emergent Gravity in 2005 
- Sarg, Stoyan / 2005 Basic Structures of Matter Hypothesis 

Based on an Alternative Concept of the Physical Vacuum 
- Saunders, Simon / 1991 The Philosophy of Vacuum I

SBN 0-19-824449-5 / 2002 Is the Zero-Point Energy Real? Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford 
- Sawyer, Ralph Randolph / One letter sent to the President Link

- Schauberger, Viktor 
- Schrodinger, Erwin / Zitterbewegung Phenomenon 
- Schwinger 
- Sciama, D. W. / 1991 The Philosophy of Vacuum ISBN 0-19-824449-5 
- Scully, M.O. / "Extracting work from a single heat bath via vanishing quantum coherence" 2003 
- Searl, John / SEG / Searl Effect Generator 2003 / Link
............... Levitation Disc Link
............... Link

............... Link
- See, T. J. J. / Wave Theory Link
- Seike, Shinichi / G-Strain Amplifier / Monopole Coil Link

............... Link

- Serogodsky, Albert 
- Shakhparonov, Ivan / Dr. / 2002 Interaction of Matter and Methods of Detecting )Link

- Shannon, Robert / 1996 Notes on Scalar Detector Designs 


- Shipov, Gennady / Dr. M.A. and PhD in Theoretical Physics / 

1997 book 'A Theory of Physical Vacuum' Link

-Descartesian Mechanics: 

The Fourth Generalization of Newton's Mechanics Director of UVITOR, Thailand 

- Shoulders, Ken / pdf to download Link

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- Sines, Eddie / Link
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- Solis, Mark A. 
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- Sterling, D. Allan 
- Stoneburg, William G. / 1978 Self-Charging Power Supply Link

- Stubblefield / 1900 Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Link

- Summera, Arthur P. / 1980 The Electrinium Battery 
- Sven / #DE3541084 
- Sweet, Floyd A. / VTA - Vacuum Triode Amplifier /


The Theory and Operation of a Phase-Conjugated Vacuum Triode

............... Link
............... Space Quanta Magnifier Link

............... Replication Project Link

............... Photos Link
............... Photos Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Possible key to VTA Link

- Szili, Zoltan / 50 watt ZPE circuit for Open Source

Link- Szucs, Lajos 

- Tabor, James 
- Tate, Joseph / USP 4,628,299 Ambient Power Module Link

- Teofilo, V. L. 

- Tesla, Nikola / over 2,000 US Patents / 

USP 685,958 'Apparatus for the utilisation of Radiant Energy' 1901 / USP 725,605 entitled "System of Signaling" 1899 / Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Link

............... Tesla car Link
............... Tesla car Link
............... Tesla car Link
............... Tesla car Link
............... Tesla car Link
............... Tesla car Link

............... Link

............... Link

............... Link
............... Link
............... Flat Coil Link
............... Link
............... Link
............... Link
............... Link

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............... Link

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- Tewari, Paramahamsa / On the Space-Vortex Structure of the Electron 
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- Thomson, David W. / Secrets of the Aether ; Second Edition (Alma, IL, The Aenor Trust, 2005) 
- Tilley, Carl / Tilley Foundation Link

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- Tombe, Frederick David / 2006 The Unification of Electricity and Magnetism 
- Tomion, Mark / StarDrive Engineering Link

- Townsend Brown, Thomas / 1960 USP 2949550

"Elektrokinetic Apparatus" Link
............... Electro-Gravity Device Link

............... Scientific Notebook 1 Link
............... Scientific Notebook 2 Link
............... Scientific Notebook 4 Link

- Transworld Energy / The Ultimate Energy Source Link

- Trauns, Otto / patent 1922, 157,262 

Improvements in Electric Motors and patent 157,253 
- Tutt, Keith / book 'The search for Free Energy' 2001 ISBN 0-684-86660-9 

- Uwe, Jack / #WO9628882 

- Valone, Thomas / Ph.D., P.E. / Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature:

Tesla's Science of Energy. Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, 2002 
-Understanding Zero Point Energy 1999 Link

-Practical Conversion of Zero-Point Energy Link

-Video Lecture Link

- Vassilatos, Gerry 
- Vigier, J. P. / "Model of the Causal Interpretation of Quantum Theory 

in Terms of a Fluid with Irregular Fluctuations" Phys. Rev. Vol. 96, No. 1, 1954 
- van Vlaenderen, Koen / Electrical engineer, ME / Seventh Field Component Link

- Wagner, Marcus / Link
- Ward, Sonne / 2004 Link
- Weigert, Stefan / "Spatial squeezing of the vacuum and the Casimir effect." Phys. Lett. A. 214, 1996 
- Welton, T. A. / "Irreversibility and Generalized Noise." Phys. Rev. 83, 1951 
- Wen Xiong-wei / Torsion Field Effect and Zero-Point Energy in Electrical Discharge Systems Link

- Werner / #DE3541084 
- White, Douglas A. / Ph. D. / 2003 Current Positron Generator 1993 from Diracdev.pdf 
-2003 Energy from Electrons and Matter from Protons: A Preliminary Model Based on Observer Physics 
- 2003 Welcome to Superluminal Phase-Wave Civilization 
-2004 A Review of Mark McCutcheon's The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy 

- White, George Starr / M.D. / Using Ground Potential Energy Link- Whittaker, Edmund T. / "On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions," Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 1904, 
............... Scalar Potential Functions Link
- Wikipedia on ZPE Link

- Wilcken, Steve / 
- Wilson, E. B. / Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1935 
- Winfield, Mel / Dr. Metaphysical Sciences / Nucleonic Energy Link

- Wright, Walter / Push Gravity Link

- Yankle, Chaim / Link

- Yam, Philip./ "Exploiting Zero-Point Energy" Scientific American 1997 
- Yater, Joseph C. / #4,004,210 / "Relation of the second law of thermodynamics to the power conversion of energy fluctuations" Physical Review A 1979 
- YILDIZ , Muammer / Link
- Yi Zou 
- York, Warren / 1999 A Unified Field Theory of Light with Equation Link
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- Zaev, Nicolay / Zaev's Generator Link
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- Zaymidoroga, Oleg Antonovich / Photocell Link
- Zee, A. / Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press, 2003 
- Zheng, M-S. / "Influence of combination of Casimir force and residual stress on the behaviour of micro- and nano-electromechanical systems" Chinese Physics Letters 2002 
- Zinkernagel, Henrik / "High Energy Particles and Reality." Ph.D. Thesis, University of Copenhagen, 1999, 
- Zinsser, Rudolph G. / Kineto-Baric Force Link 

# About the IMPORTANCE FOR THE WORLD to develop a ZPE generator, AND TO DISTRIBUTE IT: Call for an Energy Solution to Change and Save Our World 

An article I sent at the same moment Bedini/Bearden were announcing their new book "Free Energy Generation", containing all details to reproduce a Solid State Free Electricity Generator. May be the solution is in this book, like an answer to 'my' call; 

A major problem is that this book is very expensive, it represent 1 full month of average salary where I'm staying, and even much more in other places, and of course, in our 'third world', the real one, NOBODY HAS AN INTERNATIONAL PAIEMENT CARD to buy it through internet ... That's where WE feel the poor adaptability of the answer to the problem! As poor we just can't access to this book that is supposed to give us the solution to our energy problem ; 

You will tell me that it's at Government or Industrial level that it must be handled, and this guys have International Credit Cards and much money to buy this book. But remember that 99% of this 'guys' are not interested or not authorized to realy help the poors through the distribution of 'Free Energy Generators'. 

Then the situation will not change UNLESS a simple and cheap apparatus is designed, and given FREELY through internet; allowing thousands of websurfers to download all the details in a short, and usualy slow bandwith in this areas, connexion to the WWW. 

So please, now that you know may be more about OUR REAL problems here, on the ground, take action if you wish. And the world will be much better. MDG. 

- The article: Link
- The Bedini/Bearden book "FREE ENERGY GENERATION" 

info (on Bedini's website) Link

- To order the book, 48USD WorldWide 

(sorry but that's lots of money in Townships all around the world), 43USD for USA, on Bearden's website Link 

# Here some examples of the use of Zero Point Energy for health purposes:Link 

And also on the same page, about Homeopathy, explaination by Thomas Bearden : " This means that a given charge can be "activated" (its self-potential's internal biwave structure can be altered, 

so that the charge now carries and produces a "vacuum engine" in its own self-potential. 
It would seem that the results of homeopathy can be explained by this process. "... 

A lot more infos in the books and website of Tom Bearden Link

# A list of websites and links where to find more information about ZPE: 

- : Link 
- : Link

- : Link

- : Link

- : Link
- : Link

- : Link

- : Link

- : Link