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There is no argument that sustainable farming is the only future we can hope to achieve in order to repair and preserve the soil, remineralize our bodies and prevent disease.


Sustainble farming methods are the only and ensure our children have educate that can sustain them..


Biodiversity loss is one of the most crucial environmental issues facing the world. All other environmental problems – climate change, salinity, acidification, soil
degradation, pollution, water shortages and deforestation – contribute to biodiversity loss. Some environmentalists predict the loss of 50% of the world's species within the next few decades.



Before industrial farming methods was there as many diseases? NO. Did the soil have more mineral content? YES.


Although it is not taught in the current cirriculum environmental, social and cultural) associated with industrial agriculture.These methods go hand in hand with Urban farming Community Shared Agriculture (CSA), permaculture and Biodynamic farming which are the only methods that can



Addressing big corporate profit and GMO's happens through community based agriculture

  • are about participating in a shared commitment to local and regional food systems that provide fair financial returns to small family farms, which in turn helps the farmers to look after their land.
  • People who get their fresh food from a CSA operation typically eat with the seasons and eat a wide variety of foods.

Permaculture sum


Urban farming , permaciulture is also educaitonal amnd self serves to


hemp permaculture

