
Worlds Nest are composed of a group of International Profesionals who are intent on changing the way the worlds looks at Green/Eco Living. The pinnicle of their teachings is highlighted by the completion of its showcase Self Sustainable 10,000sf castle in the deserts of the Wester US. 

The WorldsNest self sufficient castle.

This "castle" is a Solar/Wind/Hydrogen powered home that recycles its own greywater and blackwater through indoor/outdoor rainforests; creates its own water from rain catchment/Air Moisture to Purified H2O technologies. This technology is an example of how Solar technologies reduces the imapact and carbon footprint of the industry by 95%. 1 Hour Homes - cutting edge panelized/composite/eco-friendly materials.




World nest contributors have also teamed up with our organizations who are intent on generating will generate sustainable, ecological and fairly traded relationships from farmer to the consumer. The goal is to work with and transform indigenous farmers, growers

and societies by creating a sustainable economy, clean water, renewable power, natural non toxic cleaning and personal care products and supportive natural infrastructures in countries around the world.

Worldsnest have advanced self sufficient ECO husing techology, which could also be enhanced by HEMP building materials and others. If their technology was MANDATED into the building code all the planets problems would be addressed.  Please visit their site for examples of their structural architectural designs. Panacea will also pledge to support their work into mainstream faculties for sustainable development.

This upgrade will prevent our current wasteful and destructive architecture. These design concepts are critically needed to be implemented into the building code and MUST serve as an example to builders world wide towards sustainable development. Education and law is a must for these systems to succeed.

Panacea will pledge to support their education and  will apply grants to help implement their eduction into faculties. Panacea will also begin organization to mandate their contribution into the building code. Please sign the petition here to support and address this directly.

WorldsNest's Videos

Robert Plarr