The following company Evergreen are a similar entity to the Lutec company.Evergreen has like Lutec and the rest mentioned in the R and D principles section reported that they have a device which can replace our need for fossil fuels.
Quote-Introducing the most exciting energy innovation on the planet since the introduction of electricity. What have we got here? We now have the ability to Amplify Electricity, 1 Kilowatt can now become 4.25 Kilowatts or multiples thereof via the Evergreen Electricity Amplifier.
There are many uses for the technology:- It can provide more highly efficient, environmentally clean and cost effective electricity than any other known method to date. Other applications are water desalination, hydrogen production or as a highly efficient motor for plant, pumps and machinery. It can also be a more efficient and cost effective drive for anything that turns, spins or rotates.

Prototype of Evergreen Electricity Amplifier
Here at Evergreen we have tamed the lightning for you and placed it in a Bottle. The EEA baffles those who misinterpret the actions taking place within it as being outside of commonly accepted scientific principles and laws, where in fact it certainly is not. We will make a simple explanation to demonstrate what motivates the EEA motor/generator:
The First Event is a Pulsed DC Motor. The Second Event is an AC generator. The Third Event is the result of the impact of the Second on the First. Each of the three events can and should be viewed in isolation and then when the three are drawn together as they are in the EEA (Evergreen Electricity Amplifier).-End Quote
Evergreen like the majority mentioned here has encountered 'interferance' in getting thier product to the market.
Quote:This level also includes the ability to purchase an informative booklet, signed by the inventors and numbered as a collectible, describing the history of the invention, including setbacks, interference, government agencies, yes spies, robbers, con artists and threats. A great and informative read and full of surprises. It is unique, the information never before having been divulged. And it includes a free DVD with never before divulged private photos. -End quote.
Despite Evergreen having a working available device, their scientific find has no faculty recognition and they are further unable to get mainstream media to present their findings.
Their contributions need a grant backed research and development environment to flourish and will be submitted into faculty study in Panacea's research and development centre.
If you're a member of the public or a scientific group which can aid in grants for the centre or help Ever Green please contact Panacea.