The faculty division of Panacea's proposed granted R&D centre will also serve a function for further investigation into the following suppressed and alternative energy patents. The centre will work towards upgrading the engineering faculty via the investigation of the following patents which can advance our understanding of energy transformation.
The engineers mentioned on the research and development start page are qualified to provide further investigation into the following New Energy Inventors disclosures:
The following is a list of individuals provided by the PESWiki Network and Quote: Are of inventors whom have invented devices that push the envelope toward clean, renewable, affordable, reliable energy solutions. Verification may be acquired by Entering these names and/or devices into a Google search. -End quote.

If the diversity mentioned so far isn't confronting and overwhelming, you the public must read every last detail. Can you think of any reason why these inventions aren’t widely known and taught? Can you work out how they can become mainstream without the assistance of a public granted research and development centre?
Without a public platform such as the Panacea centre, educating and providing support for these communities, engineers and devices, it should now not come as a surprise why the current conditions allow the cartels to subjugate and poison our children’s future.
The following Patent Office records show an extensive list which have ever reached the public. Free-Energy Patents- PATENTEE NUMBER TITLE CLASSIFICATION COUNTRY
Lakhovsky,G. 1962565 Multiple Freq. Oscillator High Frequency Resonant System USA
Lakhovsky, G. 2351055 Multiple Freq. Tube High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 958829 Apparatus for HF Currents High Frequency Resonant USA
System Rodgers, J.H. 1220005 Wireless Signaling High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1303729 Wireless Signaling High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1303730 Radiosignaling System High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1315862 Radiosignaling System High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1316188 Radiosignaling System High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1322622 Wireless Signaling High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1349103 Radiosignaling System High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1349104 Radiosignaling System High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1387736 Radiosignaling System High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1395454 Radiosignaling System High Frequency Resonant System USA
Rodgers, J.H. 1510799 Loop Aerial High Frequency Resonant System USA
Alexander, R.W. 3913004 Alternator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Britten, C.J. 1826727 Radio Apparatus Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Brown, C.M. 3890161 Diode Array Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Crump, L.R. 2813242 Atmospheric Energy Electricity source free energy overunity USA
DeRivas, E. 4006401 Electromagnetic Generator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
DeRugeris, J. 3535572 Alternator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
DeRugeris, J. 3728564 Alternator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Dowsett, B.O. 3443134 Homopolar Machine Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Ecklin, J. 4567407 Overunity Generator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Frenette 4143639 Mechanical Heater
Gray, E.V. 3890548 Pulsed Discharge Engine Electricity source free energy USA
Grunwald, E. 3441755 DC Machine Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Hickox, B. 4249096 Dynamo Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Hyde, W.W. 4897592 Electrostatic Generator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Kromrey, R. 3374376 Rotary Converter Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Kunel, H. #3024814 P.M. Flux Generator Electricity source free energy overunity GERMANY
Marhanka, F.D. 4390605 Source of Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Moray, T.H. 2460707 Electrotherapeutic Device Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Painton, R.C. 3441761 Ironless Rotor Motor Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Papp, J. 3670494 Atomic E. to Kinetic Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Pasichinskyj, M. 4904926 Electrical Generator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Perkins 4424797 Mechanical Heater
Pinkerton, J.F. 4945273 Electrical Machine Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Shaw, H.N. 2553875 Electric Heater Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Shoulders, K.R. 5018180 Energy Converter Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Skinner, S.M. 3610970 Energy Converter Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Stubblefield, N. 600457 Electrical Battery Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Yater, J.C. 4004210 Thermoelectric Converter Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Zinsser, R.G. 4085384 Pulse Generator Electricity source free energy overunity USA
Zubris, J.R. 3809978 Electric Vehicle Circuit Electricity source free energy overunity USA
#149057A1 Electricity source free energy overunity EUROPEAN
Bollee, B. 3433981 Electrostatic Motor Electrostatics Atmospheric Electricity USA
Bollee, B. 3436630 Electrostatic Motor Electrostatics Atmospheric Electricity USA
Adams, J.W. 4372280 Fuel Vaporizer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Babington, R.S. 3751210 Fuel Vaporizer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Barber, 5. 4323046 Dual Fuel System Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Bernecker, G.B. 4086893 Carburetor Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Bintliff, W.T. 1237862 Primer for Gas Engines Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Blue, A.M. 4124463 Electrolytic Cell Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Brown, P. 4858582 Fuel Preconditioner Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Brown, P. 5074273 Fuel Preconditioner Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Brown, P. 5092303 Fuel Preconditioner Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Burchett, L.R. 4326491 Fuel Heater Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Ehresmann, E. 4249501 Fuel System Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Farr, R.S. 3738334 Emission Reducer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Freeman, A.M. 3886919 Fuel Gasifier Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Glass, J.W. 4452215 Fuel System Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Harvey, R. 4498447 Fuel Vaporizer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Hattori, T. 4345569 Intake System Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Hubert, R.D. 4020815 Air Heater for IC Engine Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Igashira, T. 4325344 Fuel Evaporator Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Larson, R.C. 3449098 Fuel Atomizer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Levy, D.D. 4213432 Fuel Vaporizer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Marpman, W.B. 4112889 Fuel System Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Martin, L.H. 1319718 Fuel Vaporizer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Moore, J.C. 4153653 Fuel Induction System Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Parietti, P. 4289106 Fuel Pressure Regulator Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Perepolkin, J. 4204485 Fuel Vaporizer Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Sanada, M. 4181111 Fuel feed Device Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Wichman, R.D. 4151821 Fuel Supply System Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Young, C.G. 4449509 Gaseous Fuel Carb Air Fuel Preconditioners for extra mileage USA
Lilienfeld, J.E. 1745175 Current Control Transistor Moray related USA
Lilienfeld, J.E. 1877140 Current Amplifier Transistor Moray related USA
Lilienfeld, J.E. 1900018 Current Controller Transistor Moray related USA
Bougon, G.H. 1859764 Magnetic Device Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Clover, L.W. 4025807 ELM Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Ecklin, J.W. 3879622 Magnet Motion Converter Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Gay, H. #2486327 P.M. Self-Movement Device Permanent Magnet Motors FRANCE
Jines, J.E. 3469130 Magnetic Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Johnson, H.R. 4151431 Magnet Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Kelly, D.A. 4082969 Magnetic Torque Converter Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Kelly, D.A. 4167684 Magnet Torque Multiplier Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Kelly, D.A. 4179633 Magnetic Wheel Drive Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Kiniski, Z.C. 3811058 Magnetic Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Kinnison, R.W. 3899703 Magnet Motion Converter Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Kuroki, 5. 4305024 Magnetic Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Powell, A. 1835721 Magnetic Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Poysa, J.W. 1963213 Magnetic Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Putt, J.W. 3992132 Energy Converter Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Scholin, H.W. 4011477 Magnet Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Sheridan, F.R. 3609425 Magnet Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Stahovic, R.F. 4207773 Magnetic Piston Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Teal, B.R. 4024421 Magnetic Engine Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Teal, B.R. 4093880 Magnetic Engine Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Worthington, H.L. 1859643 Magnetic Motor Permanent Magnet Motors USA
Bahnson, A.H. 3227901 Electrical Thrust Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. 1974483 Electrostatic Motor Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. 2417347 Vibration Damper Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. 2949550 Electrokinetic Device Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. 3018394 Electrokinetic Transducer Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. 3022430 Electrokinetic Generator Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. 3296491 Lonic Device Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. 3518462 Fluid Flow Control Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Brown, T.T. #300311 Gravitor Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion BRITISH
Carr, O,T, 2912244 Amusement Device Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Coleman, W.J. 3071705 Electrostatic Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
DeBroqueville 3662554 ELM Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
DeSeversky, A.P. 3130945 Lonocraft Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Drell, S.D. 3495791 Electro-Mech Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Dudley, H.C. 3095167 Lonic Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Engelberger, J.F. 3504868 Space Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Frederick, C. #1310990 Craft Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion BRITISH
Gradecak, V. 3177654 Electric Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Hagen, G.E. 3120363 Flying Apparatus Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Hill, G.A. 3095163 Lon Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
King, J.F. 3322374 MHD Propulsion Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Lennon, C.D. 3312425 Aircraft Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Okress, E.C. 3464207 Corona Vehicle Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Pages, J.M. #1253902 Flight Engine Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion FRANCE
Rice, W.A. 3106058 Propulsion System Ionic propulsion or Inertial Propulsion USA
Auweele, A.J. 3492881 Prime Mover Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Cook, R.L. 3683707 Propulsion System Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Dean, N.L. 2886976 Inertial Drive Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Dean, N.L. 3182517 Variable Oscillator Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
DiBella, A. 3404854 Inertial Propulsion Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Estrade, F. 3807244 Kinetic Energy Device Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Farrall, A.W. 3266233 Propulsion Device Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Halvorson, E.M. 3530617 Vibration Propulsion Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Laskowitz, L.B. 2009780 Centrifugal Thrust Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Llamozas, J.D. 2636340 Direct Push Unit Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Neff, T. 2088115 Reaction Motor Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Nowlin, A.C. 2350248 Directional Force Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Thornson, B. #0128008 Kinetic Lift Device Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion EUROPEAN
Young, H.W. 3555915 Directional Force Reactionless or Inertial Propulsion USA
Coanda, H. 2108652 Propelling Device Coanda Effect USA
Coanda, H. 2157281 Propelling Device Coanda Effect USA
Coanda, H. 2939650 Airplane Wing Coanda Effect USA
Coanda, H. 2939654 Lift & Direction Control Coanda Effect USA
Coanda, H. 3261162 Lifting Device Coanda Effect USA
Mueller, R.K. 2488734 Dynamo Transformer Variable Reluctance Alternators USA
Boltinghouse, J. 3482455 Electrostatic Levitation Electromagnetic Levitation or Suspension USA
Eastham, J.F. 3770995 Linear Induction Motor Electromagnetic Levitation or Suspension USA
Eastham, J.F. 4013906 ELM Levitation Electromagnetic Levitation or Suspension USA
Guderjahn, C.A. 3717103 Magnetic Suspension Electromagnetic Levitation or Suspension USA
Dzung, L.S. 3428835 MHD Generator MHD Generators USA
Klein, G. 3428836 MMD Generator MHD Generators USA
Hammel, J.E. 3441775 Plasma Confinement Plasma Confinement for Fusion USA
Hooper, W.J. 3656013 Motional Field Gen Electrically Induced Gravity Field Generator USA
Mooper, W.J. 3610971 Motional Field Gen. Electrically Induced Gravity Field Generator USA
Wallace, H.W. 3626605 Gravity Generator Electrically Induced Gravity Field Generator USA
Wallace, M.W. 3626606 Dynamic Field Gen. Electrically Induced Gravity Field Generator USA
Ab, E.A. 4325005 Ion Accelerator untitled USA
Anderson, E.R. 4182748 Dissociation of Water untitled USA
Bernstein, J. 3748502 Resonant Energy Converter untitled USA
Bourgoin, R.C. 4325795 Ambient Superconductor untitled USA
Brown, T.T. 3187206 Electrokinetic Device untitled USA
Brown, Y. 4014777 Welder untitled USA
Davis, A.R. 3947533 Mag. Field Oscillator untitled USA
Davis, R.L. 3267406 Non-Inductive Resistor untitled USA
Dotto, G.A. 3839771 Thermionic Couple untitled USA
Favereau, J.R. 3428927 Magnetic Field Source untitled USA
Gelinas, R.C. 4429280 Scaler Demodulator untitled USA
Gelinas, R.C. 4429288 Scaler Modulator untitled USA
Gelinas, R.C. 4432098 Scaler Transmitter untitled USA
Gelinas, R.C. 4447779 Scaler Receiver untitled USA
Greenspan, P.D. 4251992 Pneumatic Propulsion untitled USA
Heironymus, T.G. 2482773 Material Emanations untitled USA
Herb, R.B. 3469118 MV Electrostatic Gen. untitled USA
Jacobi, E.F. 4326013 Energy System untitled USA
Jones, J.M. 4205654 Solar Energy Unit untitled USA
Kellogg, H.D. 3203644 Lnertial Drive untitled USA
Kussy, F.W 3437885 Electromagnet untitled USA
Leibow, B. 4208592 Air Power System untitled USA
Lovell, W.V. 2400869 Electromagnet untitled USA
Matyas, L.B. 3584515 Propulsion Apparatus untitled USA
Ognyanov, M. 3766094 Semiconductive Compositions untitled USA
Priore, A. 3280816 Radiation Source untitled USA
Priore, A. 3368155 Radiation Source untitled USA
Priore, A. #1342772 untitled FRANCE
Puharich, M.K. 4394230 Water Decomposer untitled USA
Putt, J.M. 4121139 Magnetic Propulsion untitled USA
Putt, J.M. 4249115 Magnetic Propulsion untitled USA
Quisling, S. 1743978 Propulsion Mechanism untitled USA
Richardson, F. 4077001 ELM Converter untitled USA
Schaeffer, K. 3791349 Steam Generator untitled USA
Subieta, G.C. 3368141 P.M. Transformer untitled USA
Tesla, N. 512340 Coil for Electromagnets untitled USA
Tesla, N. 1061206 Turbine untitled USA
Tustin, E.B. 961914 Wireless Lighting untitled USA
Vogel, S.F. 3259784 Non-Inductive Wiring untitled USA
Wallace, H.W. 3823570 Meat Pump untitled USA
Wells, F.W. 3227427 Carburetion System untitled USA
Yeh, G.C. 4163367 Compressed Fluid Propulsion untitled USA
So many patents yet where are the PUBLIC results? Why are there none? Without support from a public granted research and development centre, this field will continue to remain unknown and stagnate.
Presently corporate interests plus environmental and patent laws allow corporations to exclude the relevance of these technologies by buying the patent off the inventor and Shelving it. Any patent related to technology which threatens the energy cartels can simply be bought and hidden. Yet this technology which can serve the public with environmental sustainability.
How can we get these results otherwise? It is important that the need for the proposed granted Panacea research and development centre to function for security and for the coercion of due recognition of this technology is understood. Also it is important to understand why FURTHER organisation is needed towards securing the manufacture of these devices.
The following additional summery of inventors and devices has been provided by Rex Research. Rex Research was established in 1982 by Robert A. Nelson to archive and distribute information about "unconventional", suppressed, dormant, or emerging sciences, technologies, inventions, theories, therapies, and miscellaneous alternatives that offer real hope of liberating humanity.
The following additional summery of inventors and devices is provided by Rex Research. Rex Research was established in 1982 by Robert A. Nelson to archive and distribute information about "unconventional", suppressed, dormant, or emerging sciences, technologies, inventions, theories, therapies, and miscellaneous alternatives that offer real hope of liberating humanity.
» ADAMS, Robert: Motor-Generator ~ A patented & replicated pulsed EM motor-generator that produces sporadic over-unity/free energy in some configurations... includes complete construction details, test results...
» BABINGTON, Robert: Nebulizer ~ The Babington Nebulizer reduces fuel consumption by 15%, eliminates soot, smoke, and clogging... Article & 3 US Patent...
» BAUMANN, Paul: Testatika Generator ~ A marvelous Free-Energy Generator that converts static electricity to DC, up to 30 KW in the largest embodiment constructed at Methernitha Christian Alliance (Linde, Switzerland). Articles, photos, videos.
» BEDINI, John: Variable Reluctance Motor/Generator ~ 2 US Patents, 1 USP Application, articles. forums, & photos of an established Free Energy Generator... Everything you need to know to do-it-yourself.
» BELLOCQ, Toribio: Wave Pump ~ The Bellocq Wave Pump defies Toricelli's Law by utilizing pressure waves rather than suction to pull water higher than 30 feet. It is very efficient and requires little power. It can expel about 17 times as large as the volume displaced by each stroke of the piston (about 5,000 liters/hour in the preferred embodiment described in the patent). Plus: US Patents for similar acoustic wave pumps invented later by Arthur Bentley & Albert Bodine.
» BLOMGREN, Oscar: ElectroStatic Cooling ~ ESC is a fourth way of transferring heat (the others being conduction, convection & radiation). It is extremely simple and very efficient. 3 Articles & 4 US Patents.
» BLONDLOT, Rene: N-Rays ~ An alleged new radiation, discovered in 1903 & discredited in 1906 by unscientific techniques; this needs to be retested with modern equipment... ( See also: DOBLER )
» Boat Inventions ~ Scores of excellent inventions for watercraft have been invented since the 1920s, and forgotten since then. Here are a dozen for you to reconsider...
» BOURGOIN, Ronald: Ambient Temperature Superconductor ~ Bismuth filaments exhibit superconductance at room temperature! Simple production method!
» BRITTEN, Chauncey: Atmospheric Energy Generator ~ Free energy patent & article from the 1930s.
» BROWN, Paul: Resonant Nuclear Battery ~ The Nucell uses the Beta Voltaic Effect to produce useful electrical power from radioisotope decay without a chemical or thermal cycle or nuclear reaction. There are no byproducts. Nuke waste thus becomes a valuable fuel.
» BROWN, Thomas Townsend: Electro-Kinetic Devices ~ Office of Naval Research report (1952) on tests of T.T. Brown's flying saucers, gravitic communication system, and electrometer.
» BROWN, T.T.: Gravitator ~ His early work with the Biefeld-Brown Effect produced the "Gravitator". Here is British Patent #300,311 and "How I Control Gravitation". See also: NIPHER.
» BROWN, T.T.: Gravitic Isotopes ~ T.T. Brown discovered two methods of producing gravitationally-anomalous isotopes and materials, by centrifuging/settling in fluids of progressive specific-gravity, and by tribo-excitation. Here are his Canadian Patent # 726,958 and his unpatented invention disclosure. Relates to BRUSH: Kinetic Gravitation.
» BROWN, Yull: Brown's Gas (Hyfuel) ~ Several articles & US Patent # 4,014,777 re: electrolytic production of stoichometric HHO from water for use as fuel. Possesses several phenomenal properties, including neutralization of nuclear waste.
» BRUSH, Charles: Kinetic Theory of Gravitation ~ A proven theory: experiments show that bismuth falls slower than other elements. Relates to T.T. BROWN: Gravitic Isotopes.
» BULL, Harry: Reaction Motor ~ Bootstrap levitation by impact of a piston in a cylinder (Popular Science Magazine, 1935).
» CAMINEZ, Harold: IC Engine ~ "Amazing New [ in 1927 ] Motor Runs without Crankshaft or Gears", promised a revolution; delivered this article, US Patent # 1,714,847, and flight tests...
» CARR, Robert: Internal Wing Aircraft ~ Utilizes the Coanda Effect (v.i.) to produce additional lift & thrust. Models (commercially available!) fly at 100 mph for record distances... Two articles & 2 US Patents.
» CHRISTIE, John & BRITS, Ludwig: Controller ~ Christie & Brits have invented a method of controlling EM motor/generators with a pulsing system that is claimed to produce power with 500% efficiency! Here is the news release and their World Intellectual Property Organization patent application --- and test results by W. Rosenthal indicating only ~ 28% efficiency.
» CLEM, Richard: Hydraulic Engine ~ The Clem hydraulic engine was free-running (as in perpetual, no fuel, etc)... Here are several articles, photos, and Haentjens' US Patent (Clem apparently modified Haentjens's Conical Drag Pump)...
» COANDA, Henri: Coanda Effect ~ US Patents & Google search results...
» COLER, Hans: BIOS Report # 1042 ~ The complete British Intelligence Objectives SubCommittee Report #1042 about 2 proven free energy generators, developed by the German Admiralty in WW2. Unequivocal, unarguable, undeniable, indisputable, irrefutable proof of Free Energy!
» CONSTANTINESCO, George: Inertial Transmission ~ No gears, no clutch: just drive... automatically adjusts to load; a small engine can pull a huge load without straining. Article and 6 patents...
» COOK, Robert l.: Inertial Propulsion Engine ~ Patented, prototyped, peer-reviewed, and it works now.
» CORREA, Paul & Alexandra: Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge (PAGD) ~ Anomalous spontaneous emissions cold cathode reaction force from metals in vacuum tubes (Pulsed Cold Plasmas) generate clean, potentially free energy. 3 US Patents, 2 articles, 1 technical report.
» COTTELL, Eric: Ultrasonic Fuel/Water Burner ~ Burn 75% fuel/25% water with 100% efficiency, no HC, NOx... 2 Articles, 3 patents, etc...
» CRAIG, Palmer: Hall Effect Device ~ A novel application of the Hall Effect produces power, rectification & amplification with Earth's magnetic field.
» DAVIS, Richard: Non-Inductive Resistor ~ This Moebius loop resistor is non-inductive, non-reactive, maintains the time constant, and can be folded into any shape after it has been constructed. Most useful for ultra-high frequency electronics.
» DEBOISMENU, M.: Artificial Diamonds ~ Gem-quality diamonds by electrolysis of calcium carbide at atmospheric pressure!
» DEPALMA, Bruce: N-Machine ~ Development of the Faraday Unipolar Dynamo as a free energy generator: (1) "Extraction of Electrical Energy Directly from Space: The N-Machine"; (2) "Gravity & The Spinning Ball Experiment"; (3) "Understanding the Dropping of the Spinning Ball Experiment". See also KINCHELOE & TEWARI & TROMBLY...
» DESEVERSKY, Major: Ionocraft ~ The famous Ionocraft, invented in the 1960s, was propelled by the ion wind effect. Here is the classic article from Popular Mechanics (August 1964) and his US Patent # 3,130,945.
» ECCLES, Christopher: Thermal Energy Cell ~ Over-Unity electrical generation from a potassium carbonate/water electrochemical cell... Article, WO Patent, & Naudin Lab report.
» EHRENHAFT, Felix: Magnetic Current/Monopole ~ In the 1940s, Ehrenhaft experimentally demonstrated the existence of monopolar magnetic charges and magnetic current. He also decomposed water magnetically. It's all but forgotten today... 9 Articles.
» ElectroCulture ~ Stimulate plant growth with electricity, magnetism, sound & light! Increase yields, reduce pesticides, harvest sooner! Dozens of proven methods!
» ElectroCulture Patents ~ Dozens of US Patents for electric, magnetic & acoustic stimulation of plant growth, & pest/weed control.
» Electro-Gravitic Systems ~ A classic (1956) anti-gravity review: "An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control"; Report GRG-013 from the British Gravity Research Group.
» ELMER, Harry H.: 300 MPG Engine ~ Invented in the 1920s, yep, and it "operated with equal success on mineral, animal and vegetable oils". No cooling system... Only 64 parts, 3 adjustments... Article & US Patent # 1,484,554.
» FARNSWORTH, Philo: Fusor ~ The Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Reactor... Articles, Patents, Links, &c... (See also: MAGLICH/Migma)
» FLANAGAN, G. Patrick: Neurophone ~ System for hearing through the skin. Several articles & 2 US Patents.
» FRANCH, Guido: Water To Gasoline ~ A secret method to convert water into a gasoline-like fuel! Plus: L. Enricht, R. Pillai, & J. Andrews.
» FREEDMAN, Samuel: Chemalloy ~ A unique Pb-Zn-Brass-Al-Ag alloy with several superior properties as a solder, that also generates hydrogen/oxygen and electricity when immersed in water! Article & 2 US Patents. See also: ANDERSON.
» Free Energy Generators (#2) ~ Lajos Szuc's "Magnetic Field Motor", Xtec's "Power-Amplifying Antenna", Dr Albert Serogodsky, K-Capture Generator, & Tesla's Aether-powered Electric Car.
» FRENETTE, Eugene & PERKINS, Eugene & POPE, Ralph: Friction Heaters ~ Patents & Infinite Energy test of Over-Unity claims for frictional/cavitation heating of water.
» GARRETT, Henry: Electrolytic Carburetor ~ Garrett built & drove a water-fueled car in 1935. US Patent # 2,006,676 & 2 articles.
» GARY, Wesley: Magnet Motor ~ A simple free energy generator/motor; proven, patented & assiduously ignored since the 1890s. Article & Patents.
» GRAY, Edwin: Electro-Magnetic Association (EMA) Motor ~ The marvelous EMA or Pulsed Capacitance Discharge (PCD) engine invented by Gray in the 1970s promised to revolutionize power production and transportation, but it was thoroughly suppressed. Four articles & 3 US Patents.
» GREBENNIKOV, Viktor: Insect Anti-Gravity ~ Russian naturalist Viktor Grebennikov discovered an anti-gravity phenomenon in the micro-patterned chitinous wings of a certain Siberian insect. Subsequently he built a flying platform powered by this method. Totally astounding...
» GRIGGS, James: Hydrosonic Pump ~ The patented Hydrodynamics, Inc. ShockWave Pump utilizes cavitation to heat water with hyper-efficiency (similar to the Schaeffer steam generator, v.i.); US Patent # 5,188,090 & 2 articles.
» HART, Robert T.: EH Antenna ~ A revolutionary new antenna that combines the E and H fields in a very small size. Article, links, & US Patent Application.
» HATELY, Maurice & KABBARY, Fathi: Crossed Field Antenna ~ A revolutionary AM antenna: 1/50th wavelength long w/ no radial ground system, small footprint, produces little or no RF interference, great bandwidth, & performs better than equivalent full-sized vertical radiator.
» HAUSER, Albert: Bentonite Paper ~ "Alsi-Paper" can be made from Bentonite clay; save trees! Article & Patents.
» HIERONYMOUS, Thomas: Eloptic Energy ~ Two articles & US Patent # 2,482,773.
» HODOWANEC, Gregory: Rhysmonic Cosmology ~ The theory behind Hodowanec's G-Wave Detectors, plus dozens of Cosmology Notes GWD Circuits, and articles.
» HODOWANEC, G.: Mini-MRA ~ Here are Hodowanec's 8 "Cosmology Notes" on his experiments with the McClain-Wootan Magnetic Resonance Amplifier.
» HOOPER, William: Motional Electric Field ~ The Motional E-Field is akin to gravity in that it cannot be shielded. It is a source for unlimited free energy from the earth's G-field, and anti-gravity. Hooper discovered and proved its existence in the 1970s; since then it has been carefully ignored by most mainstream scientists. Here are his book & patents, & commentaries by Frances Gibson & others.
» HUBBARD, Alfred: Coil Generator ~ The legendary "Hubbard Coil" was a powerful free energy generator invented ca. 1919. Here are newspaper & magazine articles, Hubbard's patent for a radium-spark plug, R&D notes, & biography. See also Paul BROWN: Nucell.
» HUDSON, David: ORMEs Patent ~ Preparation of Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements (ORMEs) according to Hudson's British Patent GB 2,219,995. » Intermittent Absorption Refrigeration ~ Dozens of US Patent covers for ammonia-water refrigerators (some using solar heating) plus a list of dozens more foreign patents for the same... Plus: Google search results (filtered) and several select article abstracts... This technology will be vital in the near future (and already is for those using it now)...
» JOHNSON, Howard: Permanent Magnet Motor ~ The famous magnet motor that works without any energy input! Two articles & 3 US Patents.
» JOVITSCHISCH, Milorad: Transmutation of C to O ~ Anomalous transmutation of carbon to radioactive oxygen by electric discharge.
» KALINA, Alexander: Ammonia-Steam Cycle ~ The Kalina Cycle can improve efficiency of steam engines up to 50%; 2 articles and 19 patents.
» KARRICK-LTC ~ Low Temperature Carbonization of coal by this process produces up to 1 barrel of oil per ton of coal -- free! -- plus smokeless char and water-gas. If this elegant public-domain technology was used in the USA, we wouldn't have to fight oil wars except for fun. See also: KETCHUM and JACOBSEN/CARTER... GENTRY, too, for that matter.
» KARRICK, Lewis: US Patents ~ Karrick's US Patents for LTC of coal.
» KAWAI, T.: Magnet Motor ~ A patented, prototyped, proven over-unity magnet motor that was suppressed by the Yakuza, according to T. Bearden. 3 Patents, articles, emails...
» KETCHUM, Richard: Karrick LTC Pilot Plant Feasibility Study ~ Report to Utah's Joint Smoke Abatement Committee (1932) detailing construction & operation of a pilot plant for the Karrick Process. See also: LARSEN & STUTZ' Design Specifications, &c...
» KETCHUM, R.: Review of Coal LTC Processes ~ Ketchum, et al., reviewed 101 LTC processes for their applicability to Utah coals. Here is virtually everything you need to know to choose wisely.
» KINCHELOE, Robert: N-Machine Test ~ Prof. Kincheloe (Prof. Emeritus @ Stanford Univ.) tested DEPALMA's N-Machine & found that it does in fact produce "free energy" as claimed!
» KLAPHAKE, Wolf: Air Wells & Dew Ponds ~ "Practical Methods for Condensation of Water from the Atmosphere". See also: Air Wells
» KLINE, Richard & FOGLEMAN, Floyd: Airfoil ~ This wing & prop design incorporates a notch that makes it impossible for the plane to stall or spin, increases thrust by 10%, and improves fuel efficiency by ~ 25%. Carefully ignored by NASA, the Air Force, &c after being tested by them in the 1970s. Article, 2 patents, & paper plane plans.
» KOZYREV, Nikolai: Experiments with Time ~ Electrified gyroscopes & pendulum show that time is a scalar energy that produces work; time can be manufactured and manipulated!
» KRUPA,Robert: Firestorm Spark Plug ~ A revolutionary spark plug that improves engine performance, mileage; 2 Articles, 2 US Patents.
» LAITHWAITE, Eric: Gyroscopic Levitation ~ Theorized, demonstrated, & patented gyroscopic levitation that defies Newton's laws of motion... articles & US Patent # 5,860,317, etc...
» LANIER, Edward: Vacuplane ~ Lanier's "Vacuplane" (invented in the 1930s) had no skin on the top of the wing, thus doubling the vacuum zone and eliminating the boundary layer. It could virtually fly itself. 3 Articles, 6 patents, & 70+ years later, it has been all but forgotten.
» LARSEN, William & STUTZ, Clifford: Design of Plant for Low Temperature Carbonization of Utah Coal by Karrick Process ~ Complete specifications, parts list, &c for a commercial scale Karrick-LTC pilot plant. See also KETCHUM's report.
» LeBON, Gustave: The Evolution of Forces ~ Presents the concept of "intra-atomic energy" as the origin of forces. This book and its companion The Evolution of Matter inspired Moray's invention of the Cosmic Energy Receiver...
» LeBON, Gustave: The Evolution of Matter ~ Introduces "Intra-atomic energy"... much of it is outdated, but some fascinating factoids remain unexplained, i.e.: Hg + 1% tin produces "radioactivity" with sunlight, etc...
» LEEDSKALNIN, Edward: Magnetic Current ~ Booklet explaining his theory and experiments with magnetic current (Magneticity). Occasionally incomprehensible and absurd, but nonetheless must-reading since he actually did build generators based on these ideas, besides the incredible Coral Castle.
» LINDAHL, David: Webster-Heise Valve ~ Congressional Research Service Report # 82-176 detailing the performance, testing and politics of the revolutionary fuel-atomizing WEBSTER-HEISE Valve... Highly rex-ommended reading! Save fuel, reduce HC, CO, NOx, increase power...
» MAGLICH, Bogdan: Migma Fusion ~ A low-gain "driven" fusion power amplifier; Non-radioactive fusion using deuterium in a self-colliding beam... several articles, tech report, and his British Patent. (See also: FARNSWORTH/Fusor)
» MARKOVICH, Peter: ATREE ~ The Markovich "Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy" (ATREE) was developed in the late 1970s from Tesla's theories about scalar energy. In its last reported embodiment, the ATREE allegedly produced 500 watts DC from its arrangement of coils & antenna. Caveat: recent attempts to replicate it have failed...
» Master Magnet ~ This device attracts non-ferrous metal objects by AC induction! Complete construction plans.
» MATVEEV, Vladimir: Electrical Generator ~ A new type of generator utilizing "magnetic conductivity modulation".
» McCLAIN, Joel & WOOTAN, Norman: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) ~ In the correct embodiment, ultrasonic stimulation of barium-ferrite magnetic core produces Free Energy. Collected papers, test reports, Keelynet BBS messages, &c...
» McCLAIN, J. & WOOTAN, N.: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) #2 ~ More Tech Bulletins on the MRA, featuring weight loss. See also: HODOWANEC's report.
» MEINKE, Herman: Orgone Devices ~ Several improvements in orgone accumulators, cloudbusters, & DOR removal.
» MENDELEEV, Dimitri: The Aether ~ An attempt to integrate the concept of Aether into the Periodic Table of Elements.
» MEYER, Stanley: Hydrogen Generator ~ High voltage/ low amp decomposition of water, plus electrical generation... Several patents & articles.
» MEYERS, Roy: Absorber ~ Meyers' "Absorber", invented ca. 1912 was a Free Energy Generator comprised of a set of magnetized iron plates posted on a tower. It drew DC from the atmosphere to provide useful power.
» MILLS, Randell: Hydrino ~ A controversial new form of collapsed hydrogen ("Lower-Energy State") that produces power... Articles, patents, links. See also: ECCLES
» MINATO, Kohei: Magnet Motor ~ In Production Now! Angled permanent magnets & actuators produce rotation; fans operate w/ 20% of the power used by conventional motors of the same size/power! Articles, 2 US patents, photos.
» MINTO, Wallace: Freon Power Wheel ~ Construction details, Popular Science article, and two patents.
» MONUS, Paul: Magnet Motor: Build One ~ Completely detailed construction instructions for several forms of permanent magnet motors.
» MORAY, T.: Radiant Energy Receiver ~ Excerpts of all the technical factoids from Moray's book, The Sea of Energy, describing the construction and operation of his amazing cosmic energy device, developed between the 1930s-1950s, then dumped into the Jordan River... Go fish...
» NELSON, Robert: Transmutations of Nuclear Waste ~ A review of conventional & cold fusion methods to remediate nukey-poo to stable or short-life isotopes.
» NELSON, R.: Electromagnetic & Ultrasonic Treatments of Coal & Oil Shale ~ A review list of articles & patents for electrostatic, RF, plasma, & ultrasonic treatments of coal and oil shale.
» NELSON, R.: It's About Time ~ A short review of Time travel & cameras: Ernetti, KOZYREV, von Lubec, &c.
» NEMES, Elmer: Nemescope ~ The amazing Nemescope revealed the internal structure of atoms and molecules in living color, and the vital energy of organic substances as well, with extremely high magnification and resolution not attained by any other microscope before or since.
Three articles & 2 patents.
» NEWMAN, Joseph: Motor-Generator ~ "Energy Generation System having Higher Energy Output than Input"; S. African Patent # 831,296.
» NIPHER, Francis: Electro-Gravitic Experiments ~ Anti-Gravity 101: Prof. Nipher's pioneering experiments reveal the relationship of electricity to gravity. He was able to produce a repulsive force (anti-gravity) between suspended and electrified lead balls in a simple manner.
» OGLE, Tom: Vapor Fuel System ~ This patented & proven reinforced fuel tank vapor generation system eliminated the carburetor and achieved 200 mpg in tests. Then Ogle disincarnated (1981)...
» PANTONE, Paul: GEET Fuel Plasma ~ Global Environmental Energy Technology (GEET) fuel reformer: Burn up to 50% water in gasoline engine w/ this patented system. USP # 5,794,601, articles and D-I-Y plans for a small engine unit (<20 HP).
» PAPP, Joseph: Noble Gas Fuel/Engine ~ A non-polluting, no oxygen consumption, no exhaust, high-power noble gas mixture/engine.
» PATRICK, Stephen, et al.: Motionless Electromagnetic Generator ~ In March 2002, St. Patrick, Th. Bearden, J. Hayes, K. Moore, and J. Kenny received US Patent # 6,362,718 for the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG), a scalar energy device that produces over-unity ("Free Energy"); The device's Coefficient of Performance is 5.0.
» PAVLITA, Robert: Psychotronic Generators ~ Report of tests by G. Egely & G. Vertesy (Hungarian Academy of Sciences); "Experimental Investigation of Biologically Induced Magnetic Anomalies".
» PERL, Martin: The Gravitics Situation ~ The classic (1956) Gravity Rand report on anti-gravity R&D. Features: T.T. Brown's Gravitor, Negamass, Gravity/Heat Interaction, Weight-Mass Anomalies, Barytic Isotopes, & more.
» PERRIGO, Harry: Aether Electric Accumulator ~ An extremely powerful Free Energy Generator developed in the 1920s, allegedly a hoax, yet maybe genuine... Articles & Patent Application.
» PERRY, Robert L.: NOx Reduction by Cyanuric Acid ~ Article & several patents: eliminate Nitrogen Oxides from diesel exhaust with a common swimming pool chemical...
» POGUE, Charles N.: Vapor Carburetors ~ US Patents # 1,750,354... # 1,997,497... # 2,026,798... The famously legendary super-high MPG vapor carburetors...
» PRENTICE, Frank: Electrical Energy Accumulator ~ A simple old-timey Free Energy Generator patent, yep.
» PUHARICH, Andrija: Water Dissociation ~ Puharich drove his motor home for hundreds of thousands of miles using this method in the 1970s: Article & US Patent # 4,394,230.
» PUHARICH, A.: ELF Shield ~ Method & Apparatus to shield a person from Extremely Low Frequency EM Fields.
» REICH, Wilhelm: Cosmic Orgone Engineering ~ The complete text of the rare book explaining weather-engineering with Orgone "Cloudbusters".
» ROSCHIN, Vladimir & GODIN, Sergei: Searl Effect Generator ~ Roschin and Godin replicated the Searl Effect for the first time since SEARL made his claims (anti-gravity & free energy) decades ago. They also reported new phenomena: magnetic "walls" with reduced temperature surrounding the generator and penetrating walls of the building! Plus: Their Russian Patent # 2,155,435...
» SANTILLI, Ruggero: MagneGas ~ Carbon-arc dissociation of water and carbonaceous matter produces MagneGas (AKA Aquafuel) with several unique properties Patents, Photos, Links.
» SCHAPPELLER, Karl: Prime Mover ~ Key excerpts from Davson's 1950s book describing method & apparatus to generate "glowing magnetism" from the Aether for production of Free Energy.
» SCHAUBERGER, Viktor: Austrian Patents ~ Here are 8 of Viktor Schauberger's Austrian Patents for the control of water & beneficiation of soil by vortex generation!
» SCHAEFFER, Karl: Steam Generator ~ The Schaeffer steam generator exploits the phenomena of water hammer and cavitation to produce steam. Tests conducted at Battelle Institute and elsewhere showed over-unity efficiency. Here are 2 articles & his patent, &c.
» SCHWENTEIT, Bruno: Disc Aircraft ~ Two German patents for an electro-turbine disc aircaft that was developed by Miethe & Schreiver for the Nazis during WW2.
» SCRAGG, Robert: Solar Reactor Engine ~ Scragg's Solar Reactor Engine utilizes the extremely powerful reaction of Hydrogen-Chlorine-UV Light to produce over-unity in a closed loop kinetic system. Its thermal energy is several times greater than that available from gasoline combustion, and the plasma it produces also can be used to generate electricity.
» Sea Engines ~ Electromagnetic Field propulsion systems for sea vessels: W. Rice, T. Saji, &c... 4 Articles, USP # 2,997,013, & Construction plans for a model...
» SEARL, John: Searl-Effect Generator (#1) ~ S. Gunnar Sandberg: "The Searl-Effect Generator ~ Design & Manufacturing Procedure" (1985); this and the following are the only reports ever published describing the details of the SEG magnet formula, magnetization, &c.
» SEARL, J.: Searl-Effect Generator (#2) ~ S. G. Sandberg: "The Searl Effect & the Searl-Effect Generator (SEG)": Manufacturing Procedure of the Permanent Magnets ~ The Magnetising Equipment & Method ~ SEG Geometry ~ Discovery of the Searl-Effect & Invention of the SEG ~ The 3-Ring SEG & the Searl-Levity Disc ~ Analysis of the Searl-Magnet.
» SEARL, J.: Levity Disc Photos ~ Photos of Searl's attempt to build a Levity Disc in the woods of Sussex (it was sabotaged).
» SHOULDERS, Kenneth: Elektrum Validum ~ A new form of matter, and method of free energy production, and nuke waste remediation.
» SMITH, Wilbert: The New Science ~ The Basic Concept, the Quadrature Concept, the Space, Field, Control & Percipitation [sic] Fabrics, the Basic Particle, Radiated Energy, Matter, Forces, Gravity; The Q Concept; Principles & Technology of Other Races: the Structure of Meaning, the Rectilinear Concept, Relativity of Measurement, Basic Reality, the Concept of Spin, the Structure of Spin, the Spin Mechanism, the Units, Distribution of Spin, Spin Velocity, the Tempic Field; the Spin Fields, the Significance of the Tempic Field, Simultaneity, the Divergence, Curl & Gradient of Spin, Spin Centers, Summation of Scalar & Gradient of Spin.
» SMITH, W.: Project Magnet ~ This formerly Top Secret Canadian document reveals the invention of a geo-magnetic "Free Energy" generator and the fundamentals of early (1950s) R&D of anti-G technology.
» SMITH, W.: Gravity Control ~ Transcripts of letters & a presentation of Smith's devices and test results --- Includes circuit diagrams and graphs! Lots of never-before revealed technical details! Caduceus Coil, Binding Energy Meter,,, Very exciting stuff!
» Space Drives (Mechanical) ~ US Patents for inertial drives, impulse engines, centrifugal & centripetal propulsion, momentum transfer, motion rectifiers, non-linear propulsion, translational force generators, gyroscopic propulsion, directional force generators, & reaction motors, &c: various names for methods that impart motion to a vehicle without reaction with the environment.
» Space Drives (Electromagnetic) ~ US Patents for anti-gravity, force-field propulsion, electro-kinetics, &c.
» SWEET, Floyd: Space Quanta Magnifier ( Vacuum Triode Amplifier ) ~ Sweet's SQM, also dubbed the Vacuum Triode Amplifier (VTA) by Tom Bearden, is a Free Energy Generator that utilizes "conditioned" Ba-Ferrite magnets to produce 60 Hz power --- up to 5 Kw in the prototypes he built. Here are several papers by Sweet, Bearden, and Rosenthal, plus diagrams, photos, and video.
» TATE, Joseph: Ambient Power Module ~ Tate's Ambient Power Module (APM) converts radio frequencies to usable electrical power (albeit only milliwatts) sufficient to operate clocks, smoke alarms, Ni-Cd battery chargers, &c. The APM also can provide early seismic warning (earthquake preparation generates RF), and it acts as a proximity detector for ships & structures.
» TESLA, Nikola: Communication with Mars ~ A review of Tesla's report of scalar radio contact with Mars via his Magnifying Transmitter. Plus: L. Lawrence & G. Hodowanec on the same subject.
» TESLA, N.: Magnifying Transmitter ~ Articles, Patents, Google search results re: Tesla's global system for transmitting electrical power.
» TESLA, N.: Turbine ~ 4 Articles, 8 Patents about the Disc Turbine, his mechanical masterpiece...
» TESLA, N.: Mechanical Oscillator ~ Excerpts from books & articles, & US Patent # 514,169 (Reciprocating Engine) & # 517,900 (Steam Engine): his famous "earthquake generator".
» TEWARI, Paramahansa: Space Power Generator ~ A powerful, proven free energy generator based on DEPALMA's N-Machine. Includes the India Patent with complete construction details!
» TROMBLY, Adam & KAHN, D.: Homopolar Generator ~ A proven, patented & thoroughly suppressed free energy generator based on the Faraday Homopolar Generator (See also: DEPALMA,KINCHELOE, & TEWARI).
» Vapor Carburetor Patents ~ Hundreds of US Patent abstracts for methods of vaporizing fuel to improve IC engine performance.
» VOLF, Christian: Propeller ~ The Volf prop is silent and provides much more traction than "conventional" designs... Article & US Patent # 1,873,853 (1930).
» WALLACE, Henry: Kinemassic Force Field ~ Counter-rotating masses of half-integral spin nuclei material (i.e., Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Ni, As, Ga, &c) generate a "kinemassic force field" that can be used to work against ambient gravity... 3 patents...
» WEBSTER, Sherwood & HEISE, Richard: Fuel Vaporizer ~ The Webster-Heise Valve, invented/patented in the 1980s, was proven to increase fuel economy up to 20%, boost power up to 40%, reduce NOx and CO, allow use of 75-octane fuel, etc. But of course, it was suppressed (ignored) after some polite interest from US carmakers. Here are several articles and 2 US Patents... See also: LINDAHL (Congressional Research Service Report on the Webster-Heise Valve).
» WELLS, David: Newman Motor Weather & Health Effects ~ A new Pandora's Box, opened in the 1990s: local & remote weather control, positive health effects, & a planar G-field.
» WHITTAKER, Edmund: Scalar Potentials ~ "On the Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics" (Math. Ann., 1903) and "On An Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions" (Proc. London Math. Soc., 1904)
» WILKES, Donald: Rolamite ~ Wilkes' "Rolamite" is the first (or second, after Bellocq's Wave Pump, v.i.; choose one or both) new mechanical principle discovered in the 20th century. It consists simply of 2 or more rollers & a S-shaped band under tension between guidewalls. Dozens of applications have been patented, and umpteen more are possible. Here are 3 articles, a list of US patents, & USP # 3,452,175.
» Wingless Aerodynes ~ US Patents for Lenticular & Discoid Aircraft, Flying Saucers & Hubcaps, &c.
» ZINSSER, Rudolf: Kineto-Baric Force (MEGA) ~ Mechanical Energy from Gravitational Anisotropy (MEGA) is a new prime mover with many orders of magnitude greater efficiency than other systems. Matter may be temporarily turned into a state of anisotropy in relation the G-field, producing the Kineto-Baric Force. -End
An addtional list of patents can be sourced from here
Magnetic motor patents can be sourced from here
Water fuel cell patents can be sourced from here
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An additional list of patents which will also be covered in the faculty sector is contained on Panaceas online university page.
The next section will profile unique technology by John Bedini.