This device is a fuel saving and pollution reduction retrofitting modification. This has been featured on the Panacea Fuel saving and pollution reduction page .Please check that page for more fuel saving and pollution reduction modifications.
Note- Panacea does not and accept any grants for the Paul Pantone GEET or is in any way affiliated with GEET. GEET is an acronym for Global Environmental Energy Technology visit GEET International. All Questions on the Paul Pantone GEET should be directed to Paul Pantone
The original Paul Pantone standalone GEET is currently on going research and development. The goal is to get reliable and easy replication results. Engineers are able to attend GEET classes to help learn and perfect this system. However you must be aware of what your purchasing when attending these classes (more info below). You are also able obtain experimental GEET kits. However the open source GEET inspired variants listed here under "SPAD" or "water doping" are proven to work reliably and can be obtained in kit form or built from open source plans.
Panacea has done our own investigation into the Paul Pantone GEET and will publish our report HERE (pending).
More research is currently needed to perfect the original Paul Pantone GEET so that it can be re-produced easily and universally. The open source SPAD variants on the other hand have been perfected and are an easy retrofit. These variants differ from the original GEET system. The original Paul Pantone GEET is a stand alone system thats intended to replace the on board fuel delivery system. The "reactor" has no fuel air delivery system and one has to be experimentally made,this has a difficulty level experienced by many.Ideas are so far all that is known by those currently working to perfect this system.Sterling Allan from Peswiki has a good background article on this current pending issue.
The open source variants (SPAD some times called Giller Pantone or water doping) do not replace the vehicles fuel delivery system. They are added as a supplimentary system to produce what is thought to be steam reforming or hydrogen rich vapors and assist the combustion of the diesel fuel. This will result in fuel savings and pollution reduciton.In the following example - A French resident applied the open source SPAD variant to his diesel car. The French news story conducted a dyno and emission test on his car.
A scene from the news report - Here a car is fitted with
the SPAD variant system under going emission testing.
Their findings showed that the CO2 levelswere as low as 0.1%,with out the SPAD variant these levels registered 8.6%. Other Nox and hydrocarbon emissions were reduced as significantly. This diesel car gained 19% in fuel economy (more is possible).
The pollution cutting attributes of the Paul Pantone GEET are a brand new discovery. GEET Pantone study : Final engineer studying project for ENSAIS (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries de Strasbourg) Diploma by C. Martz. November 24th, 2001. Design of a testing ground and characterization of Paul Pantone's GEET process based on hydrocarbon conversion".This testing ground has been built to characterize the GEET process by measuring definite points as, for instance, the specific consumption (i.e. output),different flows, temperatures, pressures, H2/O2 gas analysis.
The fall of pollution in CO and HC (un-burnt fuel) is remarkable. Further more the carbon gas pollution is falling with the motor's change (40% to 70% of diminution).
GEET Test set up
At this time we don't know where the rest of carbon has gone: a classical gas or fuel combustion should give around 14 to 16% carbon gas (CO+CO2), with the GEET we are at a 6% maximum (only CO2), which means that the typical quantity of carbon is missing in the exhaust gas. After a few hours of functioning, we have noted some interesting remarks the reactor rod: Observing a hot point on the cold side of the rod. A cold point is just after this hot point which shows that the reaction has inner-reaction high temperature.
The hot point does NOT come from exhaust gas high temperature. It is not hydrogen, the "GEET gas" is certainly a high hydrogenous gas ( smells of ether) which has got the energetic advantages of hydrogen.The GEET gas coming out of reactor is more volatile and simple than the fuel and water vapors coming in.-End
Gas Chromatografic chart
French researchers Hypnow have reproduced an interesting proof of principle. Their version validates the plasma fuel reforming potential.In their video Hypnow produced a synthetic gas from mostly water and only a small portion of fuel.
This synthetic gas could be produced in a fuel reforming fuel station. More research is needed to see if we could enable the fuel we already use to be reformed into some thing more energetic and produce less pollution. If this fuel reforming station was built to capacity, you could reform water/waste oil and others to create a usable synthetic gas. This concept of a fuel reforming station is currently at the R and D stage.
Even if a low cost compressed air or electric car reached the market place today, it would still take the existing infrastructure MANY years to change over all the technology to the new one. By a simple 20-25% fuel saving in a country like the united statesgasoline consumption could be reduced by 800 billion gallons before any hydrogen fuel cell or electric vehicles make a significant impact. That is a 20 billion barrel reduction in oil consumption now add up the reduction in emissions with that. An MIT study showed that if average fuel efficiency of a US fleet of cars and light duty vehicles is increased by 20%, yearly fuel savings would be 25 billion gallons of gasoline (equivalent to 70% of oil presently imported from the Middle East)
The open source GEET variant technology listed on this page is a low cost modification. This technology can be implemented to existing DIESEL vehicles and instantly cut their carbon foot print.
An example of Retro fitting modifications which Panacea featured in
our Panacea at Greenfest Video production.
There is a vast dissemination of open source SPAD replications in the country of France. There are reports of more then 100 successful replications of this version (not the original GEET). There are many French news reports showing tractors, generators, cars, boats and others saving fuel.The technology is even being used in a helicopter and by the French city council.
This vast dissemination of the open source SPAD variant technology in France, this has ONLY happened as a result of open source engineers working together to teach free information. The open source community works daily on no budget improving what we have. Improvements have certainly resulted in the case of the SPAD technology in France.If western countries had widespread implementation of this variant technology in their diesel engines not only could you save a lot of liters of fuel and money, but reduce emissions. New Zealand, Australia, and America are at present producing the most pollution.
Despite this problem the open source SPAD variant remains unknown to the majority of the general public. This method is not taught at any mainstream faculty, So far Panacea's engineers are the only ones intent on training others in as much capacity as a public service.
French engineer filling his reaction chamber with water
A Before (right) and after (left) paper towel test
The above emission test results illistrates what our world would be like with the open source variant.We would be able to reduce cancers from a reduction in hydrocarbons. In the next French news report a Citroen C15 was converted to use the GEET variant.
This report showed that the Citroen C15'S opacity was reduced by 80% and further - The fuel consumption dropped by 36%!.
What remins unknown to all farmers and the mining industry is that the open source SPAD variants were created exclusively from an OPEN source collaboration and have been used effectively for years to save fuel and reduce pollution. The first system is called the "SPAD". This system can be built from open source plans. A similar system is available in kit form called the "retrokit". These Kits are available from a HYPNOW- A French company. There are others making them (listed below).All these systems are robust and work on existing DIESEL engines. They are water fed and a reversible installation.
Below is a tractor fitted with the SPAD system saving fuel and reducing emissions.With the right tunning, savings from 30% to 60% have been reported as possible. Emissions are also reduced.
NOTE-The SPAD applications can also work on diesel generators of up to 400HP, boats and agricultural machinery.Panacea has also done a non profit installation video of this system.
The following figures from france show serious fuel savings and a significant reduction in pollution .If all the west had this technology on their agricultural machinery think of the health benefits not to mention the relief of an economic burden.
Here is a photo stream showing MANY EXAMPLES of the Hypnow system installed. These include car's, van's motor bikes and tracktors:
Another variant based on the GEET method has been done by the French company ECOPRA. This technology like the "retrokit" and "SPAD" has been done from open source information. Kits are available for diesel cars and tractors.
The ECOPRA's fuel saving and pollution cutting kit.
Both the ECOPRA and Hypnow system were inspired by the "Giller Pantone" method. Some French engineers call this "water doping". As far back as 1901, a French Engineer, Mr. Clerget discovered water doping and it was used in 1942 by the army, air force then in Formula 1 during the 80’s and is still used now in some rally car competitions. Since the end of the 19th century, several inventors have used water as an additive in internal combustion engines with the aim of reducing consumption and decreasing pollution.The following video is a short history of this process.
This process is entirely mechanical.These GEET variant modifications are completely removable and re-usable. If the water runs out, your engine simply returns to a normal operation. This system improves combustion and reduces the unburned hydrocarbons. A reduction of 50% to 80% has been proven in gas analysis tests by Ecopra. The engine noise is reduced and the fuel economy is significantly improved.
Fuel economy gains of 10 to 50% have been field tested on vehicles and tractors.The Ecopra technology can fit vehicles from 50 to 250HP. This technology can also be fitted to the following brands of machinery.
# IH
Panacea has also done a non profit installation video of this system.
The Ecopra system can improve public health on all diesel vehicles. The following video shows A Chatel Guyon 4x4, fitted with the Ecopra system. This system acheived a reported 20% improvement resulted in 50% more pollution with out the modification. .
In France the following city council adopted the SPAD variant technology and achieved a 36% improvement in fuel economy and reduced their pollution by 80%!.
French city council.
The following document details this success and includes the OPEN SOURCE construction details. This document was translated for Panacea by Jules Tresor. City council adaptation of the technology.
The Australian government has recently stated that it intends to set aside $130 million to train farmers over a 4 year period in Climate Change initiatives to apply on their farms to improve productivity and prepare for climate change.The Farm ready scheme is being funded at $26.5 million. A local paper has already advertised grants for farmers to prepare for Climate Change by attending Dept. Agriculture hosted training courses. Farmers will be re-imbursed by up to $1500 each for out of pocket expenses to attend lectures. Also Trainers can claim expenses.
Further the Australian Federal Environment Dept's Cities for Climate Change (CCP) have set out certain milestones as their best way to effectively deal with climate change.Milestone 1 is to record all carbon emissions around the Shire over a 12 month period. Milestone 2 is to decide what to do about it so we are talking a 2 year time frame.This is the department that is signing up councils to adhere to a program of 5 Milestones.
The SPAD is a simple compact optimizing device for diesel engines. This simple water fed kit is easily adaptable on generating sets, tractors, building machines, motor pumps for atmospheric or turbocharged engines, air or liquid cooled. The fuel saving rate, reported by users, is comprised between 30% and 60%, Depending on installation and operating conditions (temperature, using duration, speed variations, engine load). These have been used in France for YEARS, yet are not in Australia and America where the pollution is the worst.
These technologies combined can effectively give Australia and the rest of the world a the lower carbon foot print.Yet you cannot learn any of these at your universities, there are on carbon credits, rebates, subsides, tax deducations and or endorsements for the retrofitting of these technologies.Yet they are the ones who can cut the carbon foot print most significantly.
All farmers who spend a certain amount per year on fuel should be able to get a rebate from the government to install one of these systems to reduce pollution and save energy.
Government's must be presented with this technology in order to push for city council's, businesses’, cars and Agri machinery to meet these reduced emission standards. This system must also be applied TO SAVE THE TAX PAYER MONEY ON FUEL AND REDUCE POLLUTION.The SPAD variants improve the thermal efficiency and will make the engine last longer. Panacea applied to get the SPAD variant (listed as water doping in the document) approved by the Australian department of transport and main roads.The good news is that this modification has been approved.
Copies can be forwarded on request.
There are new fuel standards proposed by 2016 and 2020, the SPAD variant can do them TODAY. In India there have been many power cuts. There are are number of residents who are now forced to use diesel generators and this is taking its toll due to pollution.
The SPAD variant technology could potentially reduce ships pollution significantly. The following is an example of a SPAD variant installation on a boat.
"By integrating this new system to supply water, the percentage of pollution emitted by the Grand Charlevoix decrease of more than 80% (NOx to measure the harmful effects of pollution on the environment) is now providing a happy alloy between ecology and economy. Consumption of diesel fuel and reducing CO2 will be reduced by well over 30%. One wonders why the French boat owners have not yet grasped the opportunity to consume less and pollute less. Ffor 9 years hundreds of experiments have been published in France, particularly through our site.- Source
The GEET variant technology is critically needed to cut emissions WORLD WIDE, there is no justification to not endorse or "retro fit" it.
(Kansas City, Kan., July 15, 2009) - In a move that stands to create jobs, boost local economies, reduce diesel emissions and protect human health and the environment for people of the State of Missouri, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded $2 million to Grace Hill for the North St. Louis Impact on Diesel Emissions (SLIDE) program to reduce diesel emissions in the community. This clean diesel project will create jobs while protecting St. Louis’ air quality.
In 2009 the following story appeared: WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama is calling on members of the House to pass legislation that he says will "spark a clean energy transformation" and reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil.Obama told reporters at a Tuesday midday news conference that the legislation will also deal with the problem of pollution that causes global warming. And he says it will be paid for by the polluters. Obama said the measure will bring energy savings to Americans, while developing technologies that could create millions of new jobs.Source
Further Billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros has pledged to invest more than $1bn (£625m) of his own money in clean energy technology to tackle climate change. Obama, George Soros and the DOE are not endorsing the GEET variants do they even know about it? If you can help with this effort please contact Panacea.
Despite the SPAD/Hynow/Ecopra technology working and available to improve public health and save energy, this scientific find has no faculty recognition. These contributions need faculties behind them to flourish and will be submitted into faculty study in Panacea's proposed granted research and development centre.If you're a member of the public or a scientific group which help the SPAD research please contact Panacea.
For technical support concerning any replication attempt on the Paul Pantone GEET please consult the Vortex Heat Exchanger group. Panacea does not work with the the "Paul Pantone standalone GEET", but can help and provide training and consulting into the implementation of the SPAD technology.Contact Panacea