All of the research and development principles mentioned in this section are still to this day not conventionally understood by the mainstream academia. Also corporate energy cartels stand to loose multi trillions in revenue should their fossil fuel energy be replaced by this alternative energy technology.
Panacea has showen reasoning for a physical faculty center which is needed to create social reform from these political and economic conditions and prevent them from encountering any interference and ensure the public dissemination of their technology.
The Panacea center is also needed to assist in the education of the mainstrem academia (advance education). Panacea's proposed granted non profit research and development center will also serve to recover all the principles mentioned in this section towards the development of higher education.
Lawrence Tseung is a representative of the the Wang Shum Ho generator and pulse motor, both which are part of the LEE-TSEUNG patent pending technology. The Wang Shum device is a self running permanent magent motor which needs no out side fuel source.

Above is a 5Kw version. The Panacea research and development center can serve as a means to understand, develop and test a unified model and this device.

Wang Shum Ho self running generator in motion
Update Quote - Mr. Wang sent me the following photos. Mr. Lee Cheung Kin and I helped to promote him in 2006 at Tsinghua University, Beijing. He got funding from the Chinese Government and State Electricity Companies. He asked us not to promote him any more as all information became classified.He recently sent me the photos and stated that those interested should contact him directly. His email address is: I believe that the principle behind his device has not changed. The special feature of his device is that no starting battery is required. A slight twist from the hand is used to start the device. The device uses coupling of ferro-liquid and permanent magnets -Source

The above example serve as a modern reminder of the past cases inviolving interference from the patent office and governments.
Energy from the air are seeking the marketing partner to promote this technology to the World. The Panacea research and development centre can also assist in creating security from any conflict of interest by having the device on PUBLIC display in our proposed faculty for new energy engineering. Here is a previous report given to us on the status of the device by Lawrence Tseung a former consultant.
The version explained to Lawrence by Mr. Wang is:
(1) The greater than 10KW version was used with other inventions to produce working electricity generators for power companies. A number of these are already in pilot testing in China.
(2) The Company (China New Energy Hong Kong Stock Number 0735) is one of the investors and they have enough development funds.
(3) There were plans to raise production funds with some US Investment Banks (probably Goldman Sache) but such plans were shelved because of the Global Financial Crisis.
(4) Mr. Wang is seeking investors for the less than 10 KW - the 5 KW in particular. He is in contact with a number of potential investors.
(5) Lawrence has invited him to demonstrate his prototype in USA if and when the presentation to President Obama takes place. He is considering that option. Lawrence told him that if that happens, the publicity will almost guarantee investor interest worldwide. Dr. Steven Chu, a Chinese-American has been appointed as Energy Secretary and that should help things.
Despite Wang Shum Ho having a working available device, their scientific find has no faculty recognition or security. Their contributions can be secure and progress in real time in a grant backed research and development centre environment specific for this task. If you're a member of the public or scientific group which can aid in grants for the proposed granted non profit centre or help Wang Shum Ho please contact Panacea.
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