Panacea Pakistan is a registered non profit division working under the title of "Panacea Asia". This divison is coordinated by a very loyal and passionate individual Abubaker Siddique. Panacea's themed free energy and sustainable development EDUCAITON is needed more then ever in developing countries.
Abubaker has been researching renewable energy technologies for the last 2-3 years and for a very good reason. There is an electricity shortage in Pakistan. People have been facing this problem for the past 2 years and there seems to be no ending to it in the near future.

Pakistan electricty Shortage
The electricity outage ranges from 2-18 hours a day in both urban and rural areas. Rural areas and small towns are the worst affected. Panacea has researched self contained power units which are currently in developmental stages. Proof of principles have already been provided its now onto making the applications. These include the Steorn device and John Bedini solar amplifier. These and other alternative energy systems are essential to help assimilate cheap decentralized power units for the lower and middle class category.
However Panacea Pakistan has no endorsement and no other institution is present in Pakistan who can educate this caliber of research. So far Abu is it and continues working on no budget. With endorsement, grants and donations the capacity for sustainable development over in Pakistan is immense.

Electricity shortage
Sustainable development is certianly only possible by using Panaea's sustainble development education on industrial Hemp. Industrial Hemp is grown in Pakistan. Oil and coal that used to produce commercial goods (plastics, man-made fibres, products, paints, chemicals, etc.) can't be produced any more renewably other than by using HEMP.
There is no such thing as a sustainable industry with out it. There is NO other process that can eradicate the chemicals out of our world at the source other than adopting the hemp industry.
Basic necessities of life like:
Food—seeds, oil, flour, medicine—salves, anti-nausea, toiletries—soap, shampoo, lotion,textiles—clothing, towels, bedding, canvas,household products—carpet, detergent, paint, toys,industrial products—paper, concrete, insulation, fuel, car parts. Cannot be produced with lesser of a carbon foot print or impact on earth. Yet there is no educational program other than Panacea intent on teaching this.

Cultivation of industrial hemp for fiber and for grain in france.
Panacea Pakistan has the potential to become an educational medium for the developing world wih sustainable development.
With endorsement they can begin separating the fiber from stalk, making paper, making stem to be mixed with lime for usage in building material or making hemp-crete or blocks to start of with. Objectives are to achieve these simple basic demonstrations to separate the fiber for making paper and stems for hempcrete.
The whole plant can be used in this process to get BioFuel like methanol, gas and fuel oil. With biomass pyrolysis they can also convert any organic material into fuel and/or gas. The goals are to show this educational model over there in order to help educate third world countries in sustainable development. Aquaponics is also proposed.

Action against Poverty in Pakistan
2 other very important technologies are needed over there and cannot get there with out Panacea's Aid. The first is a pollution cutting and energy device (Hydroxy gas) that can be fitted to their Compressed natural gas cars which can relive an economic burden and improve public health
Finally recently in Pakistan there has been destruction and havoc caused by flooding. This devistation has never before been seen in the entire history of this Country. All four provinces have been hard hit and there has been a great loss of life as well as the infrastructure has been damaged very badly to a great extent.

Scene from the Recent Pakistan Flooding.
The world bank have announced this destruction to be even worst then the TSUNAMI & 2005 Earth Quake in Pakistan.

Scene from the Recent Pakistan Flooding.
Even before this happened there has drought in Pakistan (and the flooding wil not prevent further drought). Previously there hardly has been any rain since the winter started.
Panacea currently has the only flood prevention, fire relief, drought relief and hurricane control technology in the world .This clean non chemical way is unique and the only technology which can address this scenario in real time. Panacea has the only technology that's cheap, cost effective and clean to help manage drought , bush fires and floods. Currently we need sponsorship to help get all the education and technology mentioned over to Pakistan to prevent flooding, cut the carbon foot print and relive in economic burden.
Panacea has the only technology that's cheap, cost effective and clean to help manage drought , bush fires and floods. This is an objective move which could educate all third world countries in this method. These are only some of problems being faced by every common man in most of third world countries which only we together can address.
If you are a member of the public, philanthropic group or faculty who can support Panacea's goals please contact Panacea.
Contact the Panacea-Pakistan division via email:
Contact Name -Abubaker Siddique