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The Secret Life of Energy - You Always Get More Out Than You Put In


Journalists and politicians of all persuasions have told us again and again that we must give up our addiction to foreign oil. That was yesterday. This is today. You can now choose not to "lust for oil.


"Peter Sumaruck 2002


This will be the most influential discovery of the 21st century. Inventor Peter Sumaruck has developed a new energy source, one that uses electricity, but does not - I repeat - not use a battery of any kind. Therefore, no recharge necessary, and no emissions…so it is pollution free.Let's begin the story, in 2002, as Peter Sumaruck walked into Fort Hood Army base, Texas; he had credibility with the military because he had been a Navy Seal in the 70's and 80's; and he had his prototype with him. He showed them a small motor using a minute amount of gasoline, would give ignition to a generator producing thousands times the initial input - Input = .o19 milliamps of energy. Output = 150 amps, thus disproving the Law of hermodynamics.Colonels, then generals were thrilled to elation - everyone could visualize applications for the war effort. They wanted to use Sumaruck's invention to power the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - power for all facilities from tents to barracks, to food services, to medical outfits, any and everything other than weapons and vehicles - in these beginning days years, Sumaruck had not yet developed an application for vehicles.


Working prototype ready for the U.S. Army


Input = 208 - 240 Volts A.C. 3-phase. Amps = .019 mA (milliamps), 60 cycle Output, still 208 - 240 Volts A.C. 3-phase. Amp = 150 amps, not-fluctuating, precisely 60 cycles, always 100% efficiency Note: Output appreciably greater than input, thus disproving the Law of Thermodynamics.Sumaruck was asked to go before Congress to brief them on his invention.


He heartily agreed, but the word was that it would take more than a year to be placed on the calendar, better to start work on a full size, field-ready prototype. They asked for his more than 14 patents, but Sumaruck refrained he keeps a tight rein on those patents. Still, the collaboration went ahead. The Army made a deal with Tom Hauke and Earl Martin, owners of McDowell Research in Waco, Texas, for development facility space. The Army brought in a 25 kW (25 thousand watt, similar to the power of a car) portable generator, typical of what they were already using - it ran on 57 gallons of diesel, used and replaced every 24hr. period. Sumaruck used the Army's platform to built a same-size generator, producing 35 kW.


His unit would run on 6 gallons of gas (not diesel) for a year without refilling. By 2004, after a 6 month delay for parts, this new electric generator - tested tried and true was ready for mass production. Without warning, Hauke and Martin called Sumaruck and his attorney into their office. An order came down that the project had been cancelled by U.S. Congressman Michael "Chet" Edwards, Democrat, 17the district, and Texas State Senator Kip Averitt, Republican, 22nd district, both from Waco, Texas.


The Congressman and the State Senator claimed that the Army could not be trusted with this kind of technology. Soldiers would try to figure out how the technology works; they would be distracted from battle; they'd want to quit the army, go home and make their own gen-sets. "We can't lose control of our people." They opted for a conventional war, one they could control.


All that was left


Shortly before the project cancellation, Sumaruck noticed each morning, several previous nights of activity at the site. On one night in particular, there were 143 incidents of attempted breakins, trying to get past the security code in the generator's computer drive. But Sumaruck was still willing to trust "his government" (we should be able to do that; we should have that kind of faith).Immediately upon hearing the project had been cancelled, Sumaruck went into his work area and wiped the hard drive clean - it still belonged to him; he had not been paid for this invention. He did that just in time - someone broke in at night, and destroyed and otherwise removed most of the generator, leaving only the portable trailer and some useless junk. It's a good thing they did not get any drawing or diagrams. All design features remained intact…in Peter Sumaruck's head.In 2006, McDowell Research was acquired by Ultralife Batteries.


The Waco factory facility was dissolved, and all employees, more than 100, were let go without notice - closed down, shut up. Ultralife, headquartered in Newark, New York, is contracted by the government to produce portable rechargeable and non-rechargeable lithium ion batteries to supply the military. They also have plants in Abingdon, England and in Shenzhen, China. This may be good business for certain companies, but if governments insist on going to war, at least they can do so for the lowest cost and leave no negative footprints.


Texas State Senator, Kip Averitt is a good business man, a CPA, and a champion of businessperson's rights and interests. Peter Sumaruck, all his working life, has been a businessman. Were his legal rights respected? What were protected here were the business interests of those companies who were already war contractors, without regard for the needs and wellbeing of Americans across this country. If Sumaruck's invention were now commonplace in 2008, Nissan would not now have developed their lithium ion battery-powered car for their new arrangement with Israel to supply that country with obsolete technology.


Car manufactures would be using Sumaruck's Zero-Amp Technology, emissions levels would be going down, and State Senator Averitt would be championing new businesses that would have developed to support Sumaruck's technology.United States Congressman Chet Edwards is presently a member of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Water. You would expect him to favor a new technology that could eliminate air and water pollution and thereby help to reverse Global Warming. Edwards is very pro-military and pro-veterans rights and benefits…so you would expect him to appreciate anything that would make life easier for soldiers. Sumaruck's technology can now be used to power vehicles - tanks, trucks, anything on wheels. A real advantage here is that there is very little in a Sumaruck vehicle that can explode…without flammable fuel onboard (and no tank of highly combustible natural gas), big explosions can be a thing of the past. Think how many lives could have been saved by this feature alone. Also, with Zero-Amp Technology in place, vehicles would be built in factories powered by the new technology - from assembly lines to the lights in the office."What If" Zero-Amp Technology had remained in place, in 2004?


By now, the need for oil would be down. Electricity would have replaced oil in those food services and medical facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan…and electricity would have replaced oil and coal for light and heat in the Pentagon, as well as all other federal buildings. America would now not be dependent on foreign oil. And we would be a plentiful and prosperous nation - not debt-ridden and floundering in inflation. We would be respected in the world because an American inventor altered the course of global warming. America would be licensing this new technology to other countries where they were previously strapped for oil, coal and natural gas. The Czech Republic would not be held hostage by Russia for their oil deliveries as they were July 14, 2008. And India would not need increased nuclear power technology if they became an electricity-driven country. There would be a calm over the Middle East because the deserts would be green - abundant water because of inexpensive desalination.


Prosperity removes the need for war - how disappointing for those how love war.The Waco debacle set us back three to four years in the technology quest, but we can still step up to the reality that a little bit of energy created by a spark of gas for ignition, can produce a giant increase in energy - no battery, no pollution. Peter Sumaruck says, "They can deride and debase me. They can try to slander me…but they can never disprove my invention." Remember the first Zero-Amp Technology Army generator of 2004: Input = .o19 milliamps of energy. Output = 150 amps. See it, watch it work, and believe.Charlotte Wilson, July 18, 2008, email us at for an appointment for a demonstration and/or to speak to the inventor. Or at stagnated.


An interview with a witness to the technology.