The following is archived from this site. Please Visit their site for more information.

Stan Meyer's Dune Buggy that ran on water. Hydrogen/Oxygen fuel in an ICE motor. On board electrolysis, no hydrogen tanks, no bombs on-board, just water. (1998) It ran 100 miles per gallon! The 2nd best inventor of the Century, besides Tesla, who was and will always be #1. Stan is the mustard seed of Water Powered Cars! The video left above is a one timed aired news cast, from his home town of Grove City , Ohio that you are not to view. The video screen to the right is a segment of the Equinox program about Stanley aired back in Dec. 1995 (approx.) See the entire program entitled "It Runs on Water" narrated by Arthur C. Clarke in video clips below.

It is in 4 parts, made possible by Andy the WizardKing from Blackpool, England. 

Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 

He was a shame to hear that he was poisoned (March 98') and longer with us. He died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio. Sharks came a week later and stole the the dune buggy and all of his experimental equipment, according to his brother, Steve. Stan said while he was alive, that he was threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp.s The Military was going to use this technology in their tanks, jeeps, etc. He had patents on his invention and was ready for production. Only $1,500 to equip your car! See the Videos above. 

No gasoline, just water. Stanley said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelf his idea. Stan said, "no, this technology is for the people." Who you suppose poisoned Stan? A jealous onlooker? Do you think the Oil Corp.'s are happy to see a converted car running for FREE??

Our own US DOE, and the present administration are heavily involved in the Oil business. If GW wanted my respect,I'd have inventors like Stan on TV and with me in the White House, discussing how to save this dying planet and break the bonds of ruled corruption and greed. I have read the DOE's hydrogen & fuel cell technology and they don't mention making hydrogen from pure water, until the last page. They rather get hydrogen from hydrocarbons. They don't mention "On Board Hydrogen Electrolysis" make the egas as you go. They talk about Hydrogen Gas Stations at how much per gallon?

So what is happening with Stan's Great Invention of the 20th Century!! Absolutely nothing. Are they manufacturing his invention. NO, Why not? because it would solve all the world's problems today. That is NOT how politics work, MONEY is the ruler here. Common Sense is NOT for humans, only good for OUTLAWS & so called terrorists.? Huh? We live in a time when good is spoken of as evil and evil spoken up as good. Why do I say that because it is true. We were told the US twin towers was taken down by airplanes, when the truth is, it was taken down by C4 explosives.

William Rodriguez holds the master key, he was there that day, he lost his job and 250 of his friends and colleges. Connect the dots, it is that simple. Sorry to have shocked you and made your face turn red, but Building #7 came down in 7 seconds, not reported in the 911 commission report. No planes hit that building, only a few offices fires happened. It was all too fishy from me, and continues to stink like a dead rat.

All they talk about is hydrogen gas stations run by Shell and a Canadian Oil Firm. Then they talk all about "hydrogen fuel cells" which take a lifetime of gas burned just to make one fuel cell. A hydrogen fuel cell factory is a real SMOG factory. To explain better read on. There Fuel Cells are not as efficient as a "On board Hydrogen Electrolysis" fuel cell. Stan made the gas as he drove, no hydrogen tanks, no fuel cells, no need for Shell Hydrogen Stations. He spent 30 years of research all on his own.

GOOD NEWS! Steve Meyer, Stan's twin brother lives! He is into the same technology! He stays low key, because he wants to live.Why is there only one website on him? News 4/11/06

To totally learn this technology go to 
I have some .pdf files for you to
Download all of Stan's writings, circuits, etc.


Stanley Meyer, Water-Fuel Cell Inventor & Promoter, Dies Suddenly
by Dr. Gene Mallove (another inventor who was murdered.) 

Stanley A. Meyer, the controversial Ohio inventor who had claimed his technology could produce a hydrogen-oxygen mixture with a minimal energy input (compared with conventional electrolysis) died on March 21, 1998. He did not have a world-wide following, like he should have, few people have heard of him. 

There were also those of adherents and people who had invested in his activities --- Water Fuel Cell (Grove City, OH). He was famous for his claimed "water fueled car" which was exhibited symbolically in the BBC/CBC 1994 documentary on cold fusion, "Too Close to the Sun". We were initially curious about Meyer's work, the late Christopher Tinsley of the UK, and the late Admiral of the British Navy, Sir Anthony Griffin, but who became frustrated by being unable --- or, more to the point, not allowed --- to confirm (or reject) Meyer's claims.

It makes no sense that after discovering the technological process that he had. Why there is no way that a reasonable, straightforward marketing strategy would have failed to make his technology quickly spread worldwide. He could have become very influential and very rich.

There remains a very strong suspicion that he had no such process, from his enemies, (Oil Corp. Cartels) even though he conducted a demonstration (before this writer and another engineer at the Meyer lab in 1993) of the production of copious hydrogen/oxygen gas from what visually seemed like a small input power. But Meyer was exceedingly paranoid and he flatly refused reasonable requests by us and others to test the performance --- the input/out power ratio, even with the proviso that we did not have to "look into his black box" of electronics feeding his rather simply constructed stainless steel electrode, alternating current and voltage cell. The last such refusal --- this one in public and recorded on video tape --- was at the ANE meeting in Denver CO in 1997. Then Meyer loudly and falsely protested that he would "lose his patent rights" if he were to release anything but complete, integrated systems --- such as a water-fueled vehicle. 

In 1996, Meyer lost a long-lasting Ohio civil court battle accusing him of "egregious fraud" against a former associate. Meyer's said, he ascribed this and other alleged assaults on him to various conspiracies against water as a fuel. He was offered huge sums of money (a billion dollars) to "suppress this technology", but that he had refused those sums. One had the impression that he really believed that there were conspiracies against him. 

These conspiracies exist today. That is a tragedy, a very compounded tragedy if he had actually come up with something novel and useful that he was hiding.

This is a very complex human and scientific story that we shall want to cover in greater detail in a future issue of infinite energy. There are other processes and inventions that suggest that splitting water molecules with much greater efficiency than with conventional electrolysis is possible. Certainly there are other novelties within water --- "cold fusion" to be sure --- that really do produce prodigious quantities of energy, in the mode Meyer claimed.

 For now, here are some of the facts surrounding Meyer's death:He was apparently eating dinner at a Grove City OH restaurant, when it is reported that he jumped up from the table, yelled that he'd been poisoned", and rushed out into the parking lot, where he collapsed and died. It has been reported by Meyer's associates that Meyer had just secured funding for a $50 million research center near Grove City, but there is no way to confirm or reject this at the moment.

Conclusion : Stanley is gone and we continue to buy gasoline and we continue to create global warming at a alarming rate and no one does nothing.