Stockton Engineer Creates Energy Saving Device

Chuck says he has tried to interest the Governor and the utilities commission to sponsor his invention, but no one has called him back.



Source- John Iander -Reporting 


(CBS13) STOCKTON, Calif. Chuck Larue may be the man who drastically cuts your electricity bill. For fourteen years, Chuck and his partner have quietly been inventing a little micro controller called the "Plug Power Saver."


He claims it works on all electric motors from your air conditioner to refrigerators, washing machines to whole house fans. He rigged a one-third horsepower motor to show us the savings.Without the controller, “It's drawing 171 to 180 watts."


Plug in the Power Saver and, “It's trying to find the most optimum levels of power consumption. So it's got to learn about what you are using. Yes it is. It actually has a microprocessor in here."


After a few seconds, the motor is running strong but using half the electricity. And if you know anything about electricity, you know this motor running normally should be warm to the touch, it isn’t. 


That seems to show no extra electricity is being lost as heat. Chuck has a patent pending on his invention, a trade mark on the name and a U.L. approval.

John Iander: This looks already to sell. Chuck Larue: Yeah it is, it's ready to go. John Iander: How much?

Chuck Larue: $49.95


So you'd pay for the Power Saver in under a year. Chuck says he has 10,000 of these devices headed here from a manufacturing plant in Korea. Now all he has to do is find a retailer willing to sell it.


Chuck says he has tried to interest the Governor and the utilities commission to sponsor his invention, but no one has called him back.