The following is Quoted from the H2earth web site.

Who Silenced the Missing Waterfuelers?

The H2earth Institute seeks reliable, first-hand information on the status or whereabouts of any of these five recent ventures, which each publicly announced successful 100% waterfuel demonstrations, and then seem to have been promptly silenced, by parties who must no longer be allowed to remain nameless.

In each case, a breakthrough waterfuel technology has been announced within the past two years, only to be later denied by its developers. 

All five of these companies apparently continue to exist, but say they can no longer talk about 'water as fuel', only other [lesser] applications of their technologies. Since independent witnesses have confirmed news media reports that each actually DID HAVE a car running on water alone, before they "went dark", we smell a Rat. 

click on the following for their web site






A Benefactor of the Institute has offered to arrange a $200,000,000 Revolving Mercantile Credit Facility to underwrite production startup on behalf of any waterfuel manufacturer, where we can successfully validate hardware prototypes of their technology. Have No Fear! COME FORWARD!

The Institute will arrange to provide complimentary legal defense for any bona-fide waterfuel developer who has been threatened, intimidated, extorted, or coerced by any government agency into withdrawing a legitimate waterfuel device from the marketplace, or otherwise forced into silence over the technology. 

In the United States, any such acts in suppression of the technology are in violation of the U.S. Civil Rights Act, under which any U.S. citizen may prosecute felony criminal charges against the perpetrators (who are NOT exempt, and receive NO immunity by virtue of any position with the government). 

Moreover, any three such acts are subject to civil prosecution under the Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations ("RICO") Act, which permits the recovery of triple damages.

 If any affiliation is established, in deposition, between any such perpetrators and any oil, power, or auto company, severe sanctions - including, without limit, 'punitive damages' - are available against such an affiliate under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Activities which seek to maintain the oil monopoly on transportation fuels give material aid and comfort to the sworn enemies of the United States, in a time of war, and must, therefore, be considered Treasonous if assisted in or abetted by U.S. nationals. If adequate proof of any such suppression can be established, the Institute will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, in jury trials, and before the world's assembled news media. 

Recently the non profit organisation did a video presentation of the water fuel cell.
